Chapter 12, Narrative text-Issumboshi

Read it carefully!

Chapter 12, Narrative Text: Issumboshi

 Kompetensi Dasar:


3.8 Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks naratif lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait legenda rakyat, sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya

4.8 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks naratif, lisan dan tulis sederhana terkait legenda rakyat
Materi Pembelajaran:
·   Fungsi Sosial
Mendapat hiburan, menghibur, mengajarkan nilai-nilai luhur, mengambil teladan
·   Struktur Teks
Dapat mencakup:
-       Orientasi
-       Komplikasi
-       Resolusi
-       Orientasi ulang
·   Unsur Kebahasaan
-   Kalimat-kalimat dalamsimple past tense, past continuous, dan lainnya yang relevan
-   Kosa kata: terkait  karakter, watak, dan setting dalam legenda
-   Adverbia penghubung dan penujuk waktu
-   Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan
·   Topik
Cerita legenda yang dapat menumbuhkan perilaku yang termuat di KI

Read and Learn Chapter 10, Issumboshi!

After reading and learning chapter 12, Issumboshi:
1. write a complication and a solution from Issumboshi text that really interest you in the comment below!

2. Choose a narrative text from any media you like and write the structure of the text of narrative text in your blog! and embed a video about you recorded in telling the story in your blog.

3. Watch the video below:

4. do the exercise in your book page 165-166 and the link below!

5. after doing the exercise, write the score in the form below!

6. As review, answer the questions while watching the video below:


  1. This content very good. I realy like. This really helped me

  2. what's interesting about the story is that we have to work hard and not judge people from the outside / cover.
    - Syafana Aldisa (X IPS 4)

  3. what's interesting about the story is that we have to work hard and not judge people from the outside / cover.
    ( Tarisa Nur Aida X IIS 4 )

  4. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  5. amazing story, even though he was ridiculed he still didn't give up and never gave up. still want to continue his life with such conditions, he is also brave. his courage makes his life much better.

    Sarah Devi
    X MIPA 2

  6. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  7. I think this is very good fairy tale. there is a deep meaning, about brave and never give up character.
    Fathur Rahman
    X IPA 1

  8. an interesting story. the story teaches that everyone has their abilities. Do not give up just because of one deficiency. and learn to judge someone by attitude and not by appearance.

    Indri Dinastria
    X IPS 4

  9. "Issumboshi went on the trip with a big wish in a small body. "

    Naurah Shadiqah
    X IPA 1

  10. the interesting thing about the issumboshi text is, when he fought the devil to save the princess, it was romantic.

    Imel Ahmarita - X IPA 1

  11. Issumboshi is a brave man and never gives up. which was interesting to me when Issumboshi went to the capital city to study and when he rescued the princess from the genie who kidnapped her, Issumboshi bravely fought the genie.

    Aliaputri Dharmayanti - X IPS 4

  12. an interesting story. the story teaches that everyone has their abilities. Do not give up just because of one deficiency. and learn to judge someone by attitude and not by appearance.

    Abraham L.B XIPS4

  13. Yeah, absolutely agree with everyone thoughts about isumbo- uh.. isumbosisi? Ishumbo... Whatever. Just like typical white knight story. Good guys always win :D

    -I Putu A.R.A

  14. The conclusion that can be drawn from this story is if we want to achieve something, we have to work hard and don't judge people from the cover, and also don't underestimate other.

    Ravellia Putri Gunawan
    X IPS 4

  15. Issumboshi is an interesting story and can be a lesson to people who give up on things easily

    Ananta Puspita Sari Asnan
    X IPS 4

  16. issumboshi is a brave child and the taunts of his friends make him motivated and yes go to the city to work

    Dion Widhitama
    X IPA 2

  17. Issumboshi is a brave man and always wants to try new things. He has a passion for working even though his body looks very small. The point is don't judge people by their body posture. Even though his body is small, he is able to fight 2 giant monsters

    Pricilla Audrey Andrew
    X ips 4

  18. L like the part when issumboshi save the princess from the demon

    Alea azalia
    10 ipa 2

  19. An interesting a story. Issumboshi is a brave man. Just like typical white knight story. He has a passion for working even though his body looks very small.

    Yulianti novita sari
    10 ipa 2

  20. i like issumboshi's story cause he is a brave man and he always wanted to explored and try some new things.

    Ana Rahmadini X MIA 2

  21. I like Issumboshi story because is interesting cause he is brave man and he always wanted to explored and try something new and i like he passion too.

    Zasqhia Rahmi Dewi
    X IPS 3

  22. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  23. Issumboshi is very inspiring because although he has a small body, he never gave up (Azzahra Hidayanti X IPA2)

  24. If you try to change yourself for the better. Believe it or not, good things await you.

  25. I like the Issumboshi story. It teach us to never give up
    Nadila Febrianti
    X MIA I

  26. An interesting story. Issumboshi, he is a good man, brave, and also never give up and it can be a lesson for everyone to imitate him in everyday life.

    -Syahdan Nugroho X IPA 1-


  27. Issumboshi is a brave boy, he always responds to ridicule from his friends to be a motivation for himself

    Susan Arisanti x mipa 1

  28. Raisa Fitri
    X IPA 3

    This story very inspired me to be proud of myself and confident in my abilities because the size of my body has nothing to do with my worth

  29. Issumboshi is a brave boy, because with his small body, he has great courage so he can defeat the demon to protect the princess. That's what makes this story so inspiring me.

    Hanifah Az Zahra X IPS 3

  30. The story is interesting because the conclusion that can be drawn from this story issumboshi is don't judge people from the cover and we went to get what we want we have to work hard. ( Lutfi kharisma x ipa 3)

  31. the story is good and can be understood
    (Muhammad Rasyadan Ridwan X IPA 3)

  32. the very interesting part for me was when an old couple found a little finger-sized baby issumboshi inside the temple. even though they are old but their vision is still good
    (dythia asma nadia x ipa 1)

  33. Issumboshi's story is interesting and entertaining, the story inspires us to always do good, if we are kind to others, goodness will come to us

    Della Zahra Aulia
    X IPA 2

  34. An interesting story. The story teaches us not to give up even though we have shortcomings. and also we must not denounce the deficiencies of others.

    Annisa Agnia
    X IPS 4


  35. interesting story. I want to be him. because he was lucky to meet the princess

  36. the conclusion that can be drawn from this story issunboushi is if we want to get what we want we have to work hard and don't judge people from the outside/cover
    Salsabila putri firmansyah x ips 4

  37. interesting story because he never gave up asking for a child in the year until he heard the sound of a baby and then took care of it and was given the name issumboshi but he never grew up.
    Dinda Astria p
    X IPS 3

  38. amazing story, even though he was ridiculed he still didn't give up and never gave up. still want to continue his life with such conditions, he is also brave.

    Aliffia (X ipa 1)

  39. an interesting story. the story teaches that everyone has their abilities. Just like typical white knight story. even though he was ridiculed he still didn't give up and never gave up.

    Bobby X IIS 3

  40. Issumboshi is a brave man and always wants to try new things. He has a passion for working even though his body looks very small. The point is don't judge people by their body posture. Even though his body is small, he is able to fight 2 giant monsters.

    Wenny Aulia X IPS 3


  41. the issumboshi character is so brave he doesn't care about how small his body but he keep doing best until break of his limit.
    Zulfa Fatur
    X IPS 3

  42. An interesting a story. Issumboshi is a brave man. . He has a passion for working even though his body looks very small.

    Dewa Bayu Hartanto
    X IPS 3

  43. what's interesting about the story is that we have to work hard and not judge people from the outside but from the inside

    -Nuno Bintang Raihan (X IPS 3)

  44. Mikaila Acelin Sayidina X MIA 2
    Issumboshi's story teaches us not to see people based on what they look like


  45. The story is interesting. Issumboshi is so brave, because he has great courage forso he can defeat the demon to protect rhis princess.
    Muhammad Fikri Ramdhani (X IPS 3)

  46. This story very inspired me to be proud of myself -Adinda Jilan ( X IPA 1 )

  47. good story I really like and can be understood
    (Rifqi Aulia x ips 3)

  48. an interesting story. the story teaches that everyone has their abilities. Do not give up just because of one deficiency. and learn to judge someone by attitude and not by appearance.

  49. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    1. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  50. Wow, an amazing story. He can protect the princess from deamon. even though his body is small, it is not an obstacle for him. (Graciella Theresia X IPA 3

  51. for me the moral value from isumboshi is we can get what we want if we work hard and never judge someone from the cover ( Azizul x ips 3)

  52. what makes me interested in the issumboshi story is the courage he can protect the princess from demons who want to harm her. This story also teaches readers not to judge someone from the outside.

    Hanan Nahda (X Ips 3)

  53. an interesting story. the story teaches that everyone has their abilities. Do not give up just because of one deficiency. and learn to judge someone by attitude and not by appearance

    Harold T (X MIA I)

  54. I like the part when the princess is about to be kidnapped by the devil. Then quickly issumboshi helped her. He did it with confidence and courage.

    That courageous and confident issumboshi character is what I like.


  55. which makes me interested in the issumboshi story: when he managed to save the princess, even though he had a small body, it was not an obstacle for him.
    issumboshi taught me to continue to work hard and be responsible for the tasks given, even with limitations.
    (M. Abdur Rochman)
    (X Ipa 3)

  56. An interesting a story. Issumboshi is a hard worker and brave man. the conclusion : we have to work hard to be able to get what we want . He has a passion for working hard.

    Muhammad Ridwan Wicaksono (X-IPA 3)

  57. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  58. Issumboshi's story is interesting and entertaining, the story inspires us to always do good. That's what makes this story so inspiring me.

    Tiara Pravita
    X Mia 2

  59. Issumboshi is amazing story because the story teaches that everyone has their abilities and don't give up

  60. Issumboshi is a brave man and always wants to try new things.

    Wahyu Aryaputra
    X mia 1

  61. issumboshi stories are very interesting to read. Issumboshi is a good person, hard worker, and always wants to progress. The moral massage that we can take is don't give up before trying and never give up

    Libriean saidi
    X-IPS 4

  62. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  63. Issumboshi stories are very interesting to read. My favorite complication is "Grandmother would make some big rice balls and encourage him. “Eat a lot, and grow up quickly,” Grandmother said."

  64. an interesting story, issumboshi is a brave man and never gives up. the most interesting part of this story is when issumboshi saves the princess from the demon.

    Fabiana Afanin X MIPA 2

  65. A very interesting story,even though he has flaws ,he still struggles and has courage

    Valent Sanjaya X IPA 2

  66. even though he has a small body but he has big dreams and can make it happen

    cantikha Xmia 2

  67. an interesting story. issumboshi is a brave man, and he is never gives up. and the story inspired many people who read this story.

    Pinkan Galung Aulia X MIPA 2

  68. Issumboshi is brave he inspired me

  69. This story is very amazing, especially when the princess and issumboshi are married,
    and they lived happily ever after.

    sabila Aqiilahnur Fitrah (X IPS 4)

  70. Its interisiting story of Issumboshi,The story taught me to continue to work hard and be responsible for the tasks given, even with limitations. That good story!
    Rayandra Aqilla Nugraha (X MIPA 3)

  71. what's interesting about the story is that we have to work hard and not judge people from the outside / cover.

    Aliffia (X Ipa 1)

  72. Especially when the princess and issumboshi are married,
    and they lived happily ever after. This story really inspired me.

    Aulia Agustina
    X IPS 4

  73. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  74. I like the nature of the issumboshi whose spirit and unyielding to achieve its goals.

    Frizt Reynara
    X MIPA 1

  75. Issumboshi's story is interesting and entertaining, the story inspires us to always do good, if we are kind to others, goodness will come to us

  76. amazing story, even though he was ridiculed he still didn't give up and never gave up. still want to continue his life with such conditions, he is also brave

  77. Issumboshi's story is so interesting. Issumboshi is a kind guy that also brave to deal with everything. I want to be brave too..

    Faiza Aura Elvano
    X MIA 1

  78. I love issumboshi . That story so interesting and amazing story

    Ayya Shofia . A (X IPS 4)

  79. issumboshi is a brave man and never gives up,that's what makes this story so inspiring me
    Najwa Rifda Vika X MIPA 2

  80. This is one of the Japanese fairy tales that I like, the story is very interesting and amazing. Very exciting.

    Naira Ananda - X MIA 2

  81. about this story very inspired me to be proud of myself

    -ratna X MIA 2

  82. what's interesting about the story is that we have to work hard and not judge people from the outside / cover
    (Nesken Latansa X IPS 4)

  83. The story of Issumboshi is very interesting and unique. He greatly inspires many people. He is not easy to give up and kind even he is very brave.

  84. The story of Issumboshi has inspiring me to brave. Issumboshi is telling about a man with small sized. And in the end the man grew up and married a princess. (Yoga XIPA2)

  85. issumboshi text is very interesting text and can inspire other people , nicole gabby x ipa 1

  86. The story of Issumboshi is very inspiring and interesting.
    (M Fadhlan C-X IPS 4)

  87. the very interesting part for me was when an old couple found a little finger-sized baby issumboshi inside the temple. even though they are old but their vision is still good

    Shalika Marsha X IPS 4

  88. the story is very inspring!
    khalisya renata s. X IPA 2

  89. I agree with everyone thoughts about Issumboshi Just like typical white knight story and Good guys always win
    (fariza ulima yasmin X IPS 3 )

  90. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  91. The story so inspiring me to be a good man (Muh. Akmal Muzakki X MIA 2)

  92. Issumboshi is a brave man and always wants to try new things. He has a passion for working even though his body looks very small.

    (Regina Adelin Amelia X IPS 4)

  93. what an interesting story

    (Muhammad Rafi Fadhillah F x ips 4)


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