Chapter 11, Recount Text-Cut Nyak Dien

Read it Carefully
Recount Text, Cut Nyak Dien

Kompetensi Dasar


Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks recount lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait peristiwa bersejarah sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya


4.7 Teks recount – peristiwa bersejarah

 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks recount lisan dan tulis terkait peristiwa bersejarah

Menyusun teks recount lisan dan tulis, pendek dan sederhana, terkait peristiwa bersejarah, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai konteks

Materi Pembelajaran
·   Fungsi Sosial
Melaporkan, menceritakan, berbagi pengalaman, mengambil teladan, membanggakan
·   Struktur Teks
Dapat mencakup:
-    orientasi
-    urutan kejadian/kegiatan
-    orientasi ulang
·   Unsur Kebahasaan
-   Kalimat deklaratif dan interogatif dalam simple past, past continuous, present perfect, dan lainnya yang diperlukan
-   Adverbia penghubung waktu: first, then, after that, before, when, at last, finally, dsb.
-   Adverbia dan frasa preposisional penujuk waktu
-    Nomina singular dan plural dengan atau tanpa a, the, this, those, my, their, dsb.
-   Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan
·   Topik
Peristiwa bersejarah yang dapat menumbuhkan perilaku yang termuat di KI

Read and Learn chapter 10, Recoun Text-Cut Nyak Dien

after reading and learning Cut Nyak dien text:
imagine if you lived in Cut Nyak Dien era. write a comment about the things you would have done in comment below!

1. Write the structure of the text CUT NYAK DIEN from the book and write it in your blog. and write the short bio from text.

2. Record the video about CUT NYAK DIEN story and embed it in your blog

3.Write the short bio in your blog.

4, Read more in the book page 151, And do task 2 page 152 in your book.

5. Do the change adverbial clause into adverbial phrase exercises below:

Rewrite 10 correct sentences from the link above in the form below:


  1. i love every thing that she did for Indonesia

    X IPS 4
    Muhammad Rafi Fadhillah F

  2. I really like "Cut Nyak Dhien" story because it's very inspiring. she never gave up despite experiencing many obstacles, ranging from the death of her husband to various other obstacles that he faced in order to expel invaders.

    Andhika Gusti Pratama
    X IPA 2

  3. I will fight against the Dutch like cut nyak dien. I want to have a strong abstinence like cut nyak dien.

    (Syafana Nuril Aini X IPS 4)

  4. I like cut nyak dhien's story, because it was very inspiring, and she never gave up. When ibrahim lamnga was killed, she swore to destroy the dutch, she was very brave.

    Alea azalia
    10 ipa 2


  5. Cut Nyak Dhien is strong woman. she was fought so hard. i really proud of her. i wish i can be strong women like cut nyak dhien

    Della Zahra Aulia
    X IPA 2

  6. Indah Ramadhani
    X MIA 2
    I really like Cut Nyak Dhien's personality. She's a brave and strong woman. I hope I can imitate that.

  7. I will fight the Dutch like what Cut Nyak Dien does, because I want to be a strong woman like Cut Nyak Dien. She is a great woman!

    [Imel Ahmarita / X IPA 1]

  8. I like Cut Nyak Dhien , because she is brave and not hopeless ,and she continues to fight againts the dutch

    Valent s
    X ipa 2

  9. Fight like in my video games 😬

    (rhezaalfikri X ipa 2)

  10. I will defend my homeland like Cut Nyak Dien did

    (Wahyu Aryaputra X MIA 1)

  11. I'm so amazed to Cut Nyak Dhien. She is an independent mother, wife and woman who can be an inspiration for all women in Indonesia. Never give up and be strong. Not soluble in sadness. and strong stance

    Amelia Nur Anisa
    X MIPA 2

  12. I want to be like Cut Nyak Dien she is a woman who is strong in handling various kinds of problems that she experienced, she is also willing to sacrifice her life in order to defend the motherland.

    ( Ananta Puspita X IPS 4 )

  13. I will fight the Dutch like what Cut Nyak Dien does, because I want to be a strong woman like Cut Nyak Dien. I really proud of her.

    Pinkan Galung Aulia
    X MIPA 2

  14. Cut Nyak Dhien is a strong woman. he was very brave and never gave up. If I lived in Cut Nyak Dien era, i would fight the Dutch again like her.

    Aliaputri Dharmayanti
    X IPS 4

  15. Cut Nyak dhien is a strong and brave. If I lived in her era, I would do the same thing as her.
    -Naurah X MIPA 1

  16. If I lived in Cut Nyak Dien era, I would fight the Dutch like he did. Because I want to be a strong woman like Cut Nyak Dien who is willing to sacrifice herself for Indonesia.

    Annisa Agnia ( X IPS 4 )

  17. I want to be like Cut Nyak Dien she is a woman who is strong in handling various kinds of problems that she experienced, she is also willing to sacrifice her life in order to defend the motherland.

    Wenny Aulia Xips3

  18. I like cut nyak dhien's story, because it was very inspiring, and she never gave up. she is also willing to sacrifice her life in order to defend the motherland.
    - Bobby Moreno XIPS 3

  19. If I lived in Cut Nyak Dhien's era, I'll fight as she did and help Cut Nyak Dhien ini the resistance war in Aceh, because it is our duty as Indonesian society against the state that colonize Indonesian.

    Syafana Aldisa
    X IPS 4

  20. Cut Nyak Dhien is strong woman. she was fought so hard. i really proud of her. i wish i can be strong women like cut nyak dhien
    Nesken X IPS 4

  21. If i live in Cut Nyak Dhien's era, i will fight and never give up to defend the nation as she did for homeland.

    Zasqhia Rahmi Dewi
    X IPS 3


  22. I am impressed with the story of his cut dien. If I was in his era, I would ask for experience to motivate me


  23. Perhaps, Cut Nyak Dien was the bravest woman i've ever heard. She had strong will for her people. Courageous acts to pushing off the invaders of her homeland. She only wanted a peace. Unfortunately, her struggle ended with miserable. However, her legacy continues across generations.


  24. Cut many dien were an Indonesian national hero from Aceh who fought against the Dutch during the role of Aceh. she is a great woman that I know to date. fight against various threats and invaders. Until finally he died there on November 6, 1908.



  25. I really like all the actions that are taken, many dien, because all of them boast of Indonesia, one of them is when he fought against allied countries.

  26. I was amazed by the figure of Cut Nyak Dhien she was a strong and tough woman who could inspire other women

    Salsabila putri firmansyah x ips 4

  27. I really like cut nyak dien, she is very brave woman. She never fear agains the enemy

    Nuno Bintang Raihan
    X IPS 3

  28. Cut Nyak Dhien is a brave woman. at her age, women are discriminated against for being weak. But she is different, she fought the Dutch with Teuku Umar and became one of the national hero.

  29. I was amazed by the courage of Cut Nyak Dien, because he was able to fight the Dutch for 32 years.

    Indri Dinastria X IPS 4


  30. i like spirit of cut nyak dien when she war attack netherland

    X ips 3

  31. I really like "Cut Nyak Dhien" story because it's very inspiring. she never gave up despite experiencing many obstacles, ranging from the death of her husband to various other obstacles that he faced in order to expel invaders.

    X IPS 3


  32. If i in there i will join the war, fight together with her and maybe i will doing Gerilya. Am so amazed with her spirit

    X IPS 3

  33. If i live in Cut Nyak Dhien's era,i would fight the Dutch again like her. I want to be a strong woman like Cut Nyak Dien who is willing to sacrifice herself for Indonesia.

    shalika marsha
    x ips 4


  34. If i live in Cut Nyak Dhien's era, i will join the war with her. She is strong woman.

    Muhammad Fikri Ramdhani (X IPS 3)

  35. I really like dien, she is a very brave woman and she is never afraid of enemies anymore

    Rifqi aulia
    X ips 3

  36. I really like Cut Nyak Dien because Cut Nyak Dien is a woman who dares to fight the enemy even though she always loses the war but her determination is always there

    Vina meisaharani
    X mia 3

  37. If I lived in a cut-dhien era, maybe I would do the same thing as him. fight and fight against invaders and willing to sacrifice to protect my country.

    Frizt Reynara
    X Mia 1

  38. cut nyak dien women figures who are very brave and deserve to be role models for us all
    francessa devtri
    x ips 3

  39. She is the strongest and bravest woman. She never gave up on what she was facing
    mikaila acelin (X MIA 2)

  40. if I lived in the Cut Nyak Dien era. I will fight with him for the motherland. and I will not stop until victory comes

    Dythia Asma Nadia
    X IPA 1

  41. I like cut nyak dhien's story, because it was very inspiring, and she never gave up. When ibrahim lamnga was killed, she swore to destroy the dutch, she was very brave.

    Panogi X IPS 3

  42. Cut Nyak Dhien is a brave woman. at her age, women are discriminated against for being weak. But she is different, she fought the Dutch with Teuku Umar and became one of the national hero.

    Ryan Aric Ardhani X MIPA 2

  43. Cut Nyak Dien really inspired me because of her strength and her obstinacy when facing the war and the calamity that befell her. if I live in her time, I want to help her fight and have the same strength and obstinacy as she does

  44. Cut nyak Dhien is a stronge women. I will fight like her

    Ayya Shofia. A
    X IPS 4

  45. cut nyak dhien is one of the strong and brave female heroes, if I were in his day I wanted to defend the people especially women

    Hanan Nahda
    X IPS 3

  46. I like Cut Nyak Dhien because she never gave up and inspired me. I really proud of her.

    Regina Adelin A
    X IPS 4

  47. I really like the story of Cut Nyak Dhien, I was very inspired, she was a very brave figure to fight the Dutch who invaded Indonesia and also she was very strong, when two of his husbands died. (Ravellia Putri Gunawan, X IPS 4)

  48. Cut Nyak Dien is one of the female heroes that really inspired me. Although she was a woman but with her courage Cut Nyak Dien continued to fight directly with the fighters against the invaders.

    Sabila Aqiilahnur Fitrah (X IPS 4)

  49. Cut Nyak Dien is very inspiring for Indonesians to make sacrifices to defend our country.

    nicole gabby p, x mia 1

  50. if i lived in Cut Nyak Dien era, i want to know her more closely and be a strong person like her because she is a woman who is very inspiring

    Cleo Putri Alyadi
    X IPS 3

  51. Cut nyak dien is a strong women. She is very brave and never gave up to fight. If i like her in she era i will fight back like cut nyak dien

    Abraham L.B

  52. Cut Nyak Dien are female heroes who inspired me because of his courage against the invaders
    M Fadhlan Cholil (X IPS 4)

  53. I was very inspired by the story "Cut Nyak Dhien" because she was a woman who was very tough and never gave up

    Tiara Pravita
    X MIA 2

  54. i really like Cut Nyak Dhien, she so brave and strong women. Her story was very inspiring, and she never gave up. In the future, i hope I can be strong women like Cut Nyak Dhien

    Graciella Theresia
    X MIPA 3

  55. in my opinion Cut Nyak Dhien is a strong and inspiring woman. She is also wiling to sacrifice her life in order to defend the motherland.

  56. Raisa fitriyatullah adha X IPA 3
    If i was lived in Cut Nyak Dien era i would risk my life for the country by went to the war against the Dutch

  57. I will do as Cut Nyak Dhien did to the dutch invaders to defend their homeland.

    (Syahdan Nugroho X IPA 1)

  58. In my opinion, Cut Nyak Dhien is a hero of Aceh and a hero of the emancipation of women who inspires women in Indonesia,thx

    Dion Widhitama X MIA 2

  59. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.


  60. I really like Cut Nyak Dhien because she's one of the heroines. She motivated me that women can also do what we want to and must do.(Ismi Marhamah X Mipa 1)

  61. A heroine who is very brave and deserves to be a role model hero for all of us

    roslianda X mipa 3

  62. I was very impressed with her because she was a great woman, not spoiled and brave, she fought the invaders with a tough form

    Cantikha Nur Hikmah
    X MIPA 2

  63. I am very proud because she is one of Indonesia's heroines and it inspired me to be a great woman too

    Fara Dilla
    X MIPA 2

  64. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  65. the story of the struggle of Cut Nyak dien was very inspiring because at his young age he had fought for the Aceh region and he became one of the female heroes in Indonesia

    Nama: Monica Andarra
    Kelas: X IPA 3

  66. Cut Nyak Dhien is very brave woman figure who deserves to be a role model hero for us all. He fought against the invaders for Indonesia. (Lutfi kharisma x ipa 3)

  67. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  68. I want to be like the brave and unyielding Cut Nyak Dhien. X MIA 1

  69. Cut Nyak Dien its very inspiring me.She is has a braveheart and so heroic figure.

    Rizqi Rahman
    X MIA 2

  70. Dearni
    X IPA 3

    I'm so amazed to Cut Nyak Dhien. She's a brave and strong woman. I'm so proud of her , i hope i can imitate that.

  71. like the character of Cut Nyak Dhien because she is a strong woman to face the problems and obstacles that come.
    M.Abdur Rochman
    X Mipa 3

  72. i really like cut nyak dien because she is a tough and strong woman. he inspires women and I'm very proud of it

    ratna tri astuti
    x mia 2

  73. Cut Nyak Dhien is a strong woman. he was very brave and never gave up. If I lived in Cut Nyak Dien era, i would fight the Dutch again like her. She is brave woman figure who deserve to be role model for us all.
    - Aulia (10 Ipa 3)

  74. I salute and proud to have a hero like him, he is brave and willing to sacrifice himself in defense of the homeland and never give up, if I was in the era of colonialism, I would also do the same thing.
    —Clariesta X IPA 3

  75. I will fight like Cut Nyak Dien did, because Cut Nyak Dien is really a great woman

    Nadila Febrianti X MIA I


  76. Cut nyak dhien is a great woman, she is strong and very brave

    Susan arisanti ( x mipa 1)

  77. After reading cut nyak dien i'm so proud, she is very beauty and very inspiring

  78. cut nyak dien is a great women
    (khalisya renata x mia 2 )

  79. I was very happy when I read many stories about dien because she is a woman who is very strong and brave, she is a hero

    Anisa faradila 10ipa3

  80. She is an inspiring woman because she is so strong and independent and does not rely to man but willing to take a fight against the Dutch army
    Achmad Haikal Munawar

  81. Im so excited when i read her story.For me Cut Nyak Dien its so inpiring me,She has a braveheart and heroic character.

    Rizqi Rahman
    X MIA 2

  82. I Will fight the Dutch too like she does. I wanna be a strong women like her!

    Faiza Aura Elvano
    X MIA 1

  83. I am very proud and touched by her passion for the Netherlands, a brave woman and never giving up. service, sweat and hard work that won't spill.

    Sarah Devi
    X MIA 2

  84. Cut Nyak Dhien is a strong, clever, beautiful, and very wise woman. She boasts the name of Indonesia as a hero of the defenders of justice and truth. I really feel proud of her and she is inspiration for all of my belongings

    Dira Danya Lesiasel-X IPS 4

  85. Cut nyak Dien was a strong woman and she impressed me with her bravery and her tough

    X IPS 4
    Cut Nyak Dhien was the bravest woman I’ve ever heard. I was very impressed with her and her story. She is such an inspiration for all women in Indonesia.

  87. Cut Nyak Dhien was very brave. she led Aceh war

    Yoga X IPA 2

  88. She story was very inspiring, and she never gave up and She so strong
    Najwa x MIPA 2

  89. I will fight against the Dutch like cut nyak dien. I want to have a strong abstinence like cut nyak dien.

    ( Tarisa Nur Aida X IIS 4 )

  90. She is a brave, she defends the nation for independence. Because that, i like Cut Nyak Dhien. (Naira Ananda-X Mia2)

  91. when i lived in that era my passion and struggle would be like cut nyak dien
    (Tarissa Salsabillah x ips 3)

  92. Cut Nyak Dien was the bravest woman i've ever heard. She had strong will for her people and she never gave up. When ibrahim lamnga was killed, she swore to destroy the dutch, she was very brave.

    Yulianti novita sari
    X IPA 2

  93. Cut Nyak Dhien is a very brave female hero. he led the Aceh war
    (fariza ulima yasmin x ips 3 )

  94. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.


  95. cut many dien is a figure of a great woman and therefore I am proud of it (Rifqi Aulia x IPS 3)


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