Chapter 14, Narrative Text-Strong Wind

Read it carefully!

Chapter 14, Narrative Text: Strong Wind

 Kompetensi Dasar:


3.8 Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks naratif lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait legenda rakyat, sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya

4.8 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks naratif, lisan dan tulis sederhana terkait legenda rakyat

Materi Pembelajaran:

·   Fungsi Sosial

Mendapat hiburan, menghibur, mengajarkan nilai-nilai luhur, mengambil teladan

·   Struktur Teks

Dapat mencakup:

-       Orientasi

-       Komplikasi
-       Resolusi
-       Orientasi ulang
·   Unsur Kebahasaan
-   Kalimat-kalimat dalamsimple past tense, past continuous, dan lainnya yang relevan
-   Kosa kata: terkait  karakter, watak, dan setting dalam legenda
-   Adverbia penghubung dan penujuk waktu
-   Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan
·   Topik
Cerita legenda yang dapat menumbuhkan perilaku yang termuat di KI

Read and Learn Chapter 13, Narrative Text-Strong Wind

after reading and learning the strong wind:

1. make a comment If you were in the story, which role would you play? Why?. (write it in the comment below!)

2. with your group, write a scenario and decide the players from a folktale you love to perform. record it and publish the video in your blog!

3. Do the exercise from the link below:

4. Do the test below!


  1. Which role i i would play, you ask? Well, i'd love to be a minor character.

    "Wait, there isn't any minor character. Did you mean the chief?"

    Haha, of course no. The reason why i want to be a minor character is because i don't exist! Yep, you heard it right. I didn't exist at all. For me, it's much cooler being a non existent character than an invisible one. Basically, being a minor character is fiddlestick!


    I Putu A.R.A

  2. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  3. I think strong wind is very lucky because he have a beautiful wife.
    She is very honest and patient. I like the story

    Fathur rahman
    X IPA 1

  4. there was a great warrior , so interest !
    X IPS 3

  5. strong wind is a great warrior and very lucky because he have a beautiful wife.
    and the story is so interest!

    Zasqhia Rahmi Dewi
    X IPS 3

  6. I think, i would play as Strong Wind's sister, because his sister has very loyalty and loving nature, it was seen when his sister always accompanied her brother, until Strong Wind get a truthful woman to be his wife. and also i would love to play the youngest daughter of the chief, because she is a honest girl. (Ravellia Putri Gunawan, X IPS 4)

  7. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  8. I think, i would play as Strong Wind's sister, because she prioritizes that her brother has the best wife and has full of honesty in her words

    Hanifah Az Zahra X IPS 3

  9. i think this story is so meaning full, we had a lesson from the story too

    Muhammad Rafi Fadhillah Feirdy

    X IPS 4

  10. I think this story is very good for us, so it's a lesson not to lie for any reason. And strong wind is lucky to have a sister like a sister who always accompanies strong wind to find a good wife for him.

  11. i think strong wind is a great warrior and very lucky because he have a beautiful wife.
    and the story is so interest!
    (fariza ulima yasmin x ips 3)

  12. I think, i would play as Strong Wind's sister, because she strong and his sister has very loyalty and loving nature

    dinda astria p ( x ips 3 )


  13. If i were in the story i would like to be a sister of strong wind because she has a loyal nature and she knows which woman is best to be the wife of strong wind.

    Hanan Nahda (X Ips 3)

  14. This story has a very good moral value. For example, his sister has loyalty, patience, and a loving nature, it seems that her sister's compilation always accompanies her brother, until Strong Wind gets an honest woman to look for. And the youngest daughter is a very honest girl, I want to be her. This story is good to be a lesson for us all ...

    Sarah Devi
    X MIPA 2


  15. unusual ability to disappear. but only one can see it. only lucky people can see it.

    (Kautsar Naufa Haykal XIPS4)

  16. I think, i would play as Strong wind. because he has an amazing power and would accept people who are honest. He doesn't judge people by their appearance.

    Amelia Nur Anisa Khaerulloh
    X MIPA 2

  17. In the strong wind story, I want to be the village's youngest daughter. She is kind and honest than other girl.

    Naurah Shadiqah
    X MIPA 1

  18. I think, i would play as Strong Wind's sister, because his sister has very loyalty and loving nature, it was seen when his sister always accompanied her brother, until Strong Wind get a truthful woman to be his wife. and also i would love to play the youngest daughter of the chief, because she is a honest girl.

    Wenny Aulia X IPS 3

  19. I think this story is very good, strong wind is lucky to have a sister like a sister who always accompanies strong wind to find a good wife for him.
    adinda jilan X MIA 1

  20. i think strong wind is a great warrior and very lucky because he have a beautiful wife.

    Dewa Bayu Hartanto
    X IPS 3

  21. i think this story is so meaning full, and He doesn't judge people by their appearance.
    so its made me realize

    Cantikha Nur Hikmah
    X MIA 2

  22. In my opinion, if I were in the story, the role I would play was a great warrior like strong winds because he was very strong and had the power to make him invisible. It was amazing.

    Yulianti novita sari
    X IPA 2

  23. I thought, I would play as strong wind. because he's attractive, can't be seen by anyone but his sister.

    Indri Dinastria
    X IPS 4

  24. Strong Winf is very great warrior anf very lucky guy!

    Imel Ahmarita - X Ipa 1

  25. the youngest daughter was very kind, so he had the luck to be able to answer strong wind
    Mikaila Acelin X IPA 2

  26. I think, I would play as Strong Wind. Because he has a sister who is very fond of him and
    always accompany Strong Wind until he gets a good wife, gentle, patient, and also honest.

    Annisa Agnia
    X IPS 4

  27. He was a great warrior who lived in a tent by the sea. 
    Strong Wind was able to make himself invisible.
    Salsabila putri firmansyah (X IPS 4)

  28. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  29. I want to be strong wind because he is good

  30. I think strong wind is a great warrior and very lucky because he have a beautiful wife

  31. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.


  32. The story is very good, strong wind is a great warrior and very lucky because he have a beautiful wife.

    Muhammad Fikri Ramdhani (X IPS 3)

  33. I think this story is very good,because he was a great warrior who lived in a tent by the sea.

    Bobby Moreno X IPS 3


  34. I think Strong Wind and his brother are always careful in people who lie. they already know if that person is lying to himself about strong wind. strong wind is looking for a life companion who can also see him because he has power by disappearing. and when there is a young girl who is honest and does not lie, he immediately becomes his strong wind wife.

    Shira Aulia Azzahra
    X IPS 3

  35. I think this story is very good, strong wind is lucky to have a sister like a sister who always accompanies strong wind to find a good wife for him.
    Valerie Christabel X IPS 3

  36. I would to play as one of the girl's two sisters, who is evil. because the role of crime is cool.
    I wouldn't to play as a strong wind's wife. because, a great warrior is useless if he is not seen and he is not rich and is not told that he is handsome.

    Dythia Asma Nadia, X IPA 1

  37. I thought, I would play as the youngest daughter of the chief, because she was a very patient girl. That was proven when her sister cut her long black hair and silenced her face with embers, but she was still kind. And also because she is a very honest girl.

    Aliaputri Dharmayanti X IPS 4

  38. I think strong wind is very lucky because he have a beautiful wife.
    She is very honest and patient. I like the story

  39. I think this story is very good, strong wind is lucky to have a sister like a sister who always accompanies strong wind to find a good wife for him.

    -Nuno Bintang Raihan (X IPS 3)

  40. strong wind is a good warrior and he's lucky to have a kind wife and nice sister

    Nadila Febrianti X MIA I

  41. i think i will become strong wind. Because he never gives up in finding a suitable life partner and also strong wind has a sister's who's very considerate oh him. ( Pricilla Audrey Andrew X IPS 4)

  42. I think I would play strong wind because had an amazing power, he was able to make himself invisible. And the moral lesson that we can get from the story is we should be honest because honestly is better than lying. (Lutfi Kharisma x ipa 3)


  43. I think i would play as Strong Wind's sister, she is kind and patient, she helps Strong Wind to find a woman to marry.

    Della Zahra Aulia
    X IPA 2

  44. I think this story is very good. and i would play as strong wind's sister. because she is loyalty and patient.

    Pinkan Galung Aulia
    X MIPA 2

  45. I would like to play as strong wind, because he is the main character in the story, and i always love main character.

    Wahyu Aryaputra
    X mia 1

  46. I would like to play as strong wind's sister, because she wants to find the right partner for strong wind.

    Syafana Aldisa
    X IPS 4

  47. i think strong wind is a great warrior and very lucky because he have a beautiful wife.
    and the story is so interest!

    Chysy Tania X IPS 4

  48. I think I would play strong wind because had an amazing power, he was able to make himself invisible.

    Regina Adelin Amelia X IPS 4

  49. if i were in the story, I think, i would like to play as Strong Wind's sister, because she strong and his sister has very loyalty and loving nature

    Shalika Marsha Torisa X IPS 4

  50. i think i will become strong wind. Because he never gives up in finding a suitable life partner and also strong wind has a sister's who's very considerate oh him. This story is very cool.

  51. I think I would play strong wind because had an amazing power, he was able to make himself invisible.

    Tiara Pravita
    X MIA 2


  52. According to my story this is quite good

    Muhammad rasyadan ridwan X IPA 3


  53. I think this story is very good for us. Strong wind is a great warrior and very lucky. Strong Wind was able to make himself invisible

    Monica Andarra ( X IPA 3 )

  54. I want to play the role of the youngest daughter. Because besides being gentle and kind. She is not a liar.

    ( Yoga X IPA 2 )

  55. The story is good. Because strong wind was a great warrior

    Ayya Shofia. A (X IPS 4)

  56. I think, i would play as a youngest daughter of the chief. She is a kind-hearted person, beautiful, and patient. She is also an honest person. When other women lie to get strong wind hearts, but she keeps telling the truth.

    (Syafana Nuril Aini X IPS 4)

  57. In the strong wind story, I want to be the village's youngest daughter. She is kind and honest

    -Syahdan X IPA 1-

  58. I think, i would play as Strong Wind's sister, because she strong and she very honest
    ( Najwa X IPA 2 )

  59. this story is very good to be a lesson for us all. I want to be the strong wind's sister because she loves her brother so much. strong wind is very lucky because he got a beautiful wife.

    -Graciella Theresia
    -X IPA 3

  60. I thought I would be a strong wind, because he really kept his promise, and did not distinguish people from the physical, he was very lucky to get a good and beautiful wife and a good sister.
    the moral lesson that we can get from the story is we should be honest because honesty is better than lying.
    (Dira Danya Lesiasel - X IPS 4)

  61. I think this is a very good stpry, strong wind is lucky to have a sister lwho always accompanies strong wind to find a good wife for him.
    Achmad Haikal Munawar
    X ipa 2

  62. i think I would play as strong wind. he is a warrior and he has a beautiful wife.

    Muhammad Ridwan Wicaksono
    X- IPA 3

  63. I would play as youngest daughter ,because she is kind and honest .

    Valent Sanjaya
    X IPA 2

  64. i think strong wind is a great warrior and very lucky because he have a beautiful wife.
    Rangga putra . P X Mia 3

  65. The story was great, and The Strong Wind is intristing about his life.

    Rayandra Aqilla X MIPA 3

  66. many lessons can be drawn from this story

    Alea azalia x mipa 2

  67. interesting and very inspiring story. the thing that can be learned from the story is don't lie to anyone because it can have a bad impact later

    Fabiana Afanin X IPA 2

  68. I think, i would play as strong wind because strong wind had a beautifull and kind wife

    Frizt Reynara
    X Ipa 1

  69. The youngest daughter of the chief is a kind-hearted person, beautiful, and patient. She is also an honest person. When other women lie to get strong wind hearts, but she keeps telling the truth.


  70. I think, i would play as Strong Winds sister, because his sister has very loyalty and loving nature, it was seen when his sister always accompanied her brother, until Strong Wind get a truthful woman to be his wife, and also i would love to play the youngest daughter of the chief, because she is a honest girl.
    (Rachmat Irham Naufal S X IPA 2)

  71. I think this story is so meaning full.

    M Fadhlan Cholil (X IPS 4)

  72. The youngest daughter of the chief is a kind-hearted person, and patient. She is also an honest person. I liked her.

    Khalisya Renata S (X MIA 2)

  73. I think, i would play as Strong Wind's sister, because his sister has very loyalty and loving nature, The Strong Wind is intristing about his life.

    Anisa faradila (X IPA3)

  74. This story has a very good moral value. For example, his sister has loyalty, patience, and a loving nature, it seems that her sister's compilation always accompanies her brother, until Strong Wind gets an honest woman to look for. And the youngest daughter is a very honest girl, I want to be her. This story is good to be a lesson for us all. Strong wind is a good warrior and he's lucky to have a kind wife and nice sister

    Aulia Putri x ipa 3

  75. This story is very good because i like it

  76. I think, I would play a role as Strong Wind's wife, because she is a kind-hearted person.

    Faiza Aura Elvano
    X MIA 1

  77. I think strong wind is very lucky because he have a beautiful wife.
    She is very honest and patient. I like the story

  78. I think this is cool story and inspired me because strong wind and his wife is a cool character

  79. unusual ability to disappear. but only one can see it. only lucky people can see it.


  80. After I did a little search, it was named aspen because the quaking or trembling of the leaves that is referred to it's common names is due to the flexible flattened petioles. The specific epithet, tremuloides, evokes this trembling behavior and can be literally translated as "like (Populus) tremula", the European trembling aspen.

  81. I don't think I want to be one of the characters in this story. I don't like people guessing what I am, I better show who I am.

    (Ismi Marhamah X Mipa 1)

  82. If I would choose who I want to be in that story, I would choose to be the strong wind that's because he is a good character, not only he became an honest person but also he lucky to have 2 good women around him his wife and his sister.

    Ajeng Dara Andiya (03)

  83. I think this story is so meaning full

    1. I think this story is so meaning full

      Bintang Raja ( x ips 3)


  84. if I get the chance to get a role, I will be very proud of myself because this story is very cool and interesting

    Qiennaya (35) X MIPA 3

  85. I think strong wind is a great warrior and strong wind is very lucky because he have a beautiful wife.
    She is very honest and patient. I like the story

    Aditiya Pratama (03) X MIPA 3

  86. The story is very good. I am attracted to Stong Wind's sister who really loves his brother and doesn't take advantage of him.

    Antonius Garis Kris Ombo (08) X IPA 3

  87. If I have a role in the story, I would like to become the Strong Wind sister because she is a very important character and can test all of the woman that tried to become the strong wind wife and i think i would really like to do that too because i can really tell who is lying and who is not.

    Namira Hasnalma Aisyah (30) X IPA 3

  88. i think i would play a role as the chief's youngest daughter, because she's very gentle, kind, beautiful, and she's also honest to strong wind's sister about the fact that she couldn't see him
    salma azalia (36) / x mipa 1

  89. In the strong wind story, I want to be another village citizen. I don't want to be involved in this story.

    Favian Fathur Rahman (12) X IPS 4

  90. if i were in the story, I think, i would like to play as Strong Wind's sister, because she strong and his sister has very loyalty and loving nature.

    Aisyah Maha Dewi (1)
    X IPS 4


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