Social function:

Congratulating and complimenting to develop international communication with others.

Text structure:

Transactional text:

Opening; exchange (congratulating and complimenting); closing

Language features:

- Vocabulary:
words related to adjectives and the topic, congratulating and complementing expressions
- Grammar:
simple past, present perfect, present perfect continuous; singular-plural

Topic related activities:

- Using different ways of developing interaction with teachers, friends,family members, especially, by
congratulating and complimenting others

Tujuan Pembelajaran:

Setelah mempelajari Bab 2, siswa diharapkan mampu:
  1. Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan pada ungkapan memberi ucapan selamat dan pujian bersayap serta responnya.
  2. Merespon ucapan selamat dan pujian bersayap dengan menggunakan struktur teks dan unsur bahasa yang tepat sesuai dengan tujuan dan konteks penggunaan.
  3. Memberikan ucapan selamat dan pujian bersayap dengan menggunakan struktur teks dan unsur bahasa yang tepat sesuai dengan tujuan dan konteks penggunaan.


1. watch the video below

2, make an interesting congratulating card and video for your friends in your media social such as Facebook, Instagram, etc. write the reason why you send her/him the card and the video, and attach them in your blog.

3. make a dialogue about congratulating friends in your chat room. screen shot the dialogue and attach it in your blog


1. watch the video above

2. take a look at your friends photos in their media social such as Facebook, Instagram, ect.

3. make a compliment for her/him and make a mini dialogue about it in his/her chat room.

4. write the reason why you choose the photo that you compliment, screen shot the photo and the dialogue, and attach it in your blog.

5. Answer the questions below

6. make a comment or questions about the activities chapter 2 in the comment below.

Have a great work!
