Chapter 15, You've got a friend

Read it carefully

Kompetensi Dasar

3.9 Menafsirkan fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan lirik lagu terkait kehidupan remaja SMA/MA/SMK/ MAK

4.9 Menangkap makna terkait fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan secara kontekstual lirik lagu terkait kehidupan remaja SMA/MA/SMK/MAK

Materi Pembelajaran
·   Fungsi sosial
Mengembangkan nilai-nilai kehidupan dan karakter yang positif
·   Unsur kebahasaan
-    Kosa kata dan tata bahasa dalam lirik lagu
-    Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan
·   Topik
Hal-hal yang dapat memberikan keteladanan dan menumbuhkan perilaku yang termuat di KI

Read and Learn Chapter 15, You've got a friend

after you read and learn chapter 15:
1. make a comment about your friend, which part of you friend's character that you really like most? write it down in the comment!
2. choose a song that really show how your friend is and write the meaning of the song. publish it in tour blog including the video link!
3. Listen the song carefully and fill the blanks in the form below!


  1. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  2. A friend, right? There are plenty of friends i have. But, only one of them is the "chosen" one. She was my former senior back in Middle School. She's a talented person, lovely, has strange aura, and we have much in common. I like her personality, despite we are currently in a shaky relationship. One of her charming personalities i like more than others is that she's a generous person. This champ helps me alot in Maths. Although, she pretty much hates me, she doesn't bother to give me a hand for various problems. Yeah, that's all i've got to say.

    I always wish you the best, Ken. One day, i'll repay everything you've done for me and for us.

    Stay funky, my dear

    (I Putu A.R.A X IPS III)

  3. To be honest, i'm he one who really chooses to be friendsm, not because i don't want to. I just want to fight with her. But i have friends than that, she's like my family,nice, i'm very close to her. However, it was not uncommon for us to argue over trivial matters. That's all i'm saying is, we laugh a lot more than we crying, he's a really good person to me. I like his personality because he always makes me laugh at his antics. And my parents knew where i was going so they wouldn't have to worry about it.
    (Ananta Puspita Sari Asnan X IPS 4)

    1. Friends will come and go in your life. No matter how long your friendships last, the most important thing is your friends’ acceptance of you for who you are. A good friend walks the talk and shows that they care by their actions – big and small. Don’t be too clingy or needy. Everyone needs space to be alone or spend time with other people as well.
      (fariza ulima yasmin X IPS 3)

  4. I have a friend, she is like a sister to me. so many moments that I spent with her. Starting from misunderstanding, sadness, even happiness that we have felt, so that character or her personality i may have understood a lot. She has a good personality, polite, easy to express affection, can be a good listener for me, and ambitious to get something. That's the character that I like the most from my friend

    Hanifah Az Zahra X IPS 3

  5. I've met lot various types of friends in my life but a real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out .
    ( Joy Loisinda X IPS 3)

  6. I have some friends when I was Junior High School. So many moments that I spent with her. She very good personality,kind,polite,friendly and she so good listener for me. I really like the character of her.

    Zasqhia Rahmi Dewi
    X IPS 3

  7. I have a lot of friends, they have different characters, some are funny, childish, quiet, smart, like to eat, grumpy, like to sleep, like to cook, and many more. i think they are very unique. my best friend's character that I like the most, when they accept me in this friendship as I am, with my character like this and always loyal to me, we are build a smile together and face problems together, I really like this very long friendship. and i hope we can meet each other after all this time. (Ravellia Putri Gunawan, X IPS 4)

  8. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  9. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  10. I have a friend named "Fira". so we know he wants to be called "boyo" and I am "Sarott". He is my old friend who all ended with a parting, I was very sad because we never spent time together (well maybe then I just knew him), the first time I knew boyo because he was friendly and generous boyo was the first to know. know him. greeted me when I was in middle school in 9th grade, when I was with Boyo not the same seat but we sat in the front and back. I like boyo's personality, he really understands me, like if I cry he immediately comforts me, boyo once asked my future and I answered my ideals and future. Boyo immediately responded with great pleasure and he immediately pushed me. His personality also often entertains people. I am very grateful because he accompanied me to stay up late every day by playing ML games together, boyo is a kalong who always sleeps at night until morning sleep. We never lived with you, we didn't spend much time together (yes, because of course you are very busy). Boyo is a very smart and zenius boy, I used to think he was my rival in class ... but at that moment something happened when I fell with my grades, but he immediately pushed me and immediately hugged me (I'm a little uncomfortable if you hug me). boyo is someone who can do something directly once, one day. Farewell day arrived and I asked my friends, "Can't I hug all of you?" they accidentally hugged me and cried. boyo has the same personality as me who is difficult or rarely wants to be invited to take pictures with anyone. during 3 years of school I only had 1 picture with him. and the same personality is a fan of jerome polin sijabat, me and he really inspired jerome polin sijabat. thank you for accompanying me a story, entertaining, various puzzles, staying up late playing games together, watching movies together online. thank you for being my back, I'm grateful to be close to you. I hope your school can now get very good results and I will get my goal ... someday if my dream comes true, I will invite you to Japan ..... greetings from his girlfriend jerome <3 polin sijabat.

    Sarah Devi
    X MIPA 2


  11. I have 4 friends in junior high school they are very stupid and funny, I am happy with them because I see a reflection of myself, a lot of similarities between me and them and it makes us close where we are always together,moments of life that I feel with them sad, happy, disappointed, down they always happy for me to always be enthusiastic because they are there for me

    Dewa Bayu Hartanto
    X IPS 3

  12. I have a lot of friends but only a few are comfortable to talk to. those who I trust to listen to my story are friends who are patient with my behavior and always give advice

    Cantikha Nur Hikmah

    X MIA 2

  13. I have some friends and has a different character. Having a friend with whom you plan to come live. Who make a question list for u to answer. You laugh a lot with them. You tease, they tease. You don't even realise how did u spend 1 hour talking to them.

    Amelia Nur Anisa Khaerulloh
    X IPA 2


  14. Actually i have several types of friends both by nature and behavior but there is one friend who is very close and close to me she is my junior high school friend she is older than me but sometimes her behavior is like a child many memories that we go through together from happy to sad, we have been friends sinfe grade 7 until now, she can behavior a good listener when i tell happy and sad things and sometimes when I'm careless she gives me advice and input she is a very good person, diligent, and sometimes likes to buy me food. That's the character that I like most from my friends.

    Hanan Nahda (X IPS 3)

  15. I have 4 friends from the beginning of entering class 10, they are very kind and very one way with me. we dream of going to the same college. wish you success

  16. Actually, I'm not very sociable. But I have a best friend. I've been friends with her since I was in elementary school. I like her because she is a very good person, a good listener when I confide in, and I always feel to be myself when with her.

    Indri Dinastria
    X IPS 4

  17. i have friend, she is always beside me everywhere and everytime. i love her so much because she always makes me happy :) Imel Ahmarita - X IPA 1

  18. i have friend, she is always beside me everywhere and everytime. i love her so much because she always makes me happy :) Imel Ahmarita - X IPA 1

  19. i have friend, she is always beside me everywhere and everytime. i love her so much because she always makes me happy :) Imel Ahmarita - X IPA 1

  20. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  21. I have a small friend, he has a kind heart and he can be a good listener but he is very stubborn. I and he always have fun from we are children to teens and we are still playing together. when we are together I will continue to laugh and forget the problems that exist.

    Wenny Aulia X IPS 3


  22. I have a lot of good friends who are friendly, but there is one friend who is very close to me, that is Cila, Cila is my classmate, we have often been together in the school and outside of school. Cila ank is good and smart. We often learn together and discuss about lessons at school, what I like from cila always helps me in any lesson and cila can always motivate me to be more enthusiastic about learning, when my grades go down he always comes and smiles to support me, even if it's not only in lessons even in personal matters always considerate, when I tell a problem and lamented, when I give advice to me, because of that I love to be friends with cila I can always be better because when there is what I will come to see him even if I'm sick he will come home, and by because of that I also behave the same towards him when he needs help, we will continue to support each other, and he is my best friend.

    Yulianti novita sari
    X ipa 2

  23. I had friends in elementary school, they were very kind, cool, funny, and a little silly. We are always together at school. Until it was nicknamed 3M by friends. However, after graduating we have rarely met and the last time we met was very awkward and long ago too. I miss those times again. I miss them. The character of my friends that I like is that they are very kind, not picky about being friends, and always help me. One of them is also smart and I was motivated by him to be smart.

    Annisa Agnia
    X IPS 4

    X IPA 3

    having a best friend is one of the most beautiful gifts in live. actually it's hard to put into words what's my best friends means to me. But there's a song by 'Pretenders' entitled I'll stand by you. And there's a lyrics saying "When you're standing at the cross roads, And don't know which path to choose, Let me come along, 'cause even if you're wrong I'll stand by you" which means that no matter what happens i will stand by their side whether is wrong or right, and i'll stand right beside them trough the darkest hour. Out of million people in this world, eight of them are my best friend. What i like from my best friends is they never left me behind and always there whenever i need them, and i couldn't be more grateful for having them in my life.

  25. Dinda Astria p
    X IPS 3

    now I have a very good and exciting friend. He is a person I haven't known for a long time but he really makes me comfortable, when with him I can laugh and feel happy. he is also the reason I am passionate about school, he has a very interesting personality.even though I was close to him but I did not give one hundred percent of my trust to him. because everyone can change without reason

  26. Muhammad Rafi Fadhillah F

    X IPS 4

    in my opinion about friend esspecially best friend is someone who care about you and never gonna let you down. Going to defend us in every condition . Having a good friend for me is such a blessing, i never been felt so good before honestly.

  27. A friend is someone who can help us whenever and how we are, he can help us solve problems and continue to support us. If you need support then friends will give it
    Salsabila putri firmansyah x ips 4

  28. I have many friends, of course, with different characters. They are all good, some of them are smart, strange, wise, funny, childish, friendly, good listener and others. They are like family to me. Those who comfort me when I'm sad, they also listen to my story and respond well to my story. I enjoy spending time with them. When there are problems, we face together. No matter how big the problem, we can definitely solve it. the character of my best friend that I like the most is when they always support me. I am very grateful because they accepted me in this friendship. I hope this friendship exists until we are old.

    Aliaputri Dharmayanti X IPS 4

  29. Friends who can lead us to more positive attitudes, traits, and activities. A friend who is always in any situation and at any time. Friends who are understanding and have the same sense of humor.

    (Ismi Marhamah X Mipa 1)

  30. I have many friends with a variety of traits and characters, they are also funny, kind, understanding and like to help, I have given confidence to them, they always hear my story, even though sometimes they like to joke when I'm serious about the story, they treat me like a younger sibling, and I don't want to lose them

    kelvin x ipa 3

  31. i have a lot of friends who are worthy to be called "friend" they are all good and i'm so happy having a friends like them. with the different characters we can make a longlasting friendship. some of them have a bad character but we okay with it. we learn something together, play together. it's so nice to have friends.

    Shalika Marsha Torisa X IPS 4

  32. I have very good friends, are fun, and we always tell a lot of things, do lots of things, we take care of each other, whenever I need help they always help and come to me,
    I really like their diverse characters, from being silly, funny, kind, polite, etc. I am very happy to have friends like them.
    ( Dira Danya Lesiasel-X IPS 4)

  33. A friend is a person who will always be together even though there are many things that are wrong and right we make together that won't leave when we're having a hard time entertaining us when there's a problem and always helps us
    Francessa devtri
    X ips 3


  34. the meaning of friend in my opinion is when we are distressed he is there, when we are happy he is there
    (M. Azizul Verdian)
    X ips 3

  35. Friends, when there is a problem he is ready to help, when lonely they accompany.
    Like a song from Meghan
      "I know we have a good time
    'Cause I got all my friends with me
    I know everything's gonna be fine
    'Cause I got all my friends with me
    When I'm in trouble, need some help
    And I feel all by myself
    Know exactly who to call
    I know to make it all right
    I got all my friends with me "

    I'm very grateful to have friends like you ... I miss you guys~~

    -Naurah Shadiqah, X IPA 1 -

  36. I have a friend when i was in junior high school, i got so many memories with him and i still play with him even we are in the diffrent school

    M. Addisson (X IPS 3)

  37. I have friends from junior high. I really like playing with them, because every time we play together, we always go to interesting places in Jakarta.

    Bobby Moreno X IPS 3

  38. I've met lot various types of friends in my life but a real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the word walks out

    Adly febrian X IPS 3


  39. I have a friend when i was in Junior High School. I really like playing with him. I got so many memories with him.

    Muhammad Fikri Ramdhani (X IPS 3)

  40. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  41. i have some friends who are really nice to me, they are honest, kind, and also cool. i'm very grateful to have friends like them.

    Kezia Talenta ( X IPS 3 )


  42. a friend to me like home, where I tell stories and create beautiful moments together, but friends are not as long as they are by our side, with time, they will go one by one whether it's chasing their dreams or it's time to separate, but it did not matter, the most important relationship between the two is still running well, and I also can only pray that good things always come up to him.

    X IPS 3

  43. i have no problem as long as i have someone to talk. In the end, i will graduate and got seperated from them. It's rare to find someone to trust and called as "Friend".

  44. I have some friends when I was Junior High School. So many moments that I spent with her. She very good personality,kind,polite,friendly and she so good listener for me. I really like the character of her.

    Nuno Bintang Raihan (X IPS 3)

  45. I have many friends. they are always there when I need them. they always listen to what I want to say, they always give support to me and they always help me also remind me if I did something wrong. my friend is not only my age I also have friends who are older than myself and it's very nice to have older friends, because they will give the best advice when I'm sad and I learn from their thoughts and experiences.

    Nadila Febrianti X MIA I

  46. I had friends in elementary school, they were very kind, cool, funny, and a little silly. We are always together at school. Until it was nicknamed 3M by friends. However, after graduating we have rarely met and the last time we met was very awkward and long ago too. I miss those times again. I miss them. The character of my friends that I like is that they are very kind, not picky about being friends, and always help me. One of them is also smart and I was motivated by him to be smart.

  47. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.


  48. I have a friend from elementary school, she is smart, kind and friendly. She is a warm figure with friends, I feel comfortable near her, she also often gives positive energy that can influence me to be a better person. we still often communicate and meet.

    Della Zahra Aulia
    X IPA 2

  49. i have a friend I've known since elementary school. she's been very kind to me, and so have i. she's smart, she's beautiful, and she's well-behaved. she was one of the best friend i ever had.

    Pinkan Galung Aulia
    X MIPA 2

  50. I have a friend in junior high school, she is a good woman, merciful, friendly. I feel comfortable when with her. She often helps me. And now even though we split up, we still contact each other.

    Tiara Pravita
    X MIA 2

  51. Well i have four best in my middle school but the one im gonna talk about is the one that i love and hate the most at the same time
    He and i have a lot in common with him but we have much more of the opposite, what i like about him is we are completely honest to each other if there something we don't like about out attitude we will say it out loud to him for example this one time when he is confused to or not to do this one thing i just say " just do it why are you so shy, if you succeed then everything will be good but if you Don't succeed then your dead"
    We usually hangout and have a sleepover every week at my house on weekend , at nihni we don't usually ho to sleep early we usually watch horror movie before we sleep
    And that's all
    Thank beach for spending the whole middle school with me
    Miss you
    X ipa 2

  52. I have very loyal friends, they have different characters and traits. There are wise, comedians, beautiful, stubborn and others. If they have a problem, we will solve it together. We often go together, hang out in crowded places and do other activities together. They were like sisters to me. Even though you only met in middle school, it made us like family. Sometimes we accidentally think, like the same thing and sometimes dress the same
    ( Pricilla Audrey Andrew X IPS 4 )

  53. I have many friends, of course, with different characters. They are all good, some of them are smart, strange, wise, funny, childish, friendly, good listener and others. They are like family to me. Those who comfort me when I'm sad, they also listen to my story and respond well to my story. I enjoy spending time with them. When there are problems, we face together. No matter how big the problem, we can definitely solve it. the character of my best friend that I like the most is when they always support me. I am very grateful because they accepted me in this friendship. I hope this friendship exists until we are old.

    Nesken Latansa X IPS 4

  54. I have friends in junior high school who have different characters, but only a few are familiar with me. They always help me and they also like to make jokes that make me laugh. Friends who are comfortable for me are friends who can entertain and help one another.

    Valent sanjaya
    X ipa 2

  55. i have a lot of friends who are worthy to be called "friend" they are all good and i'm so happy having a friends like them. with the different characters we can make a longlasting friendship. some of them have a bad character but we okay with it. we learn something together, play together. it's so nice to have friends.

    Rachmat I.N.S
    X MIA 2

  56. This song relate my friendship at Junior School,learn how to be a kind friend and what means A Real Best Friend Forever!

    Rayandra Aqilla Nugraha X MIPA 3


  57. I have lots of friends. At school or outside school. I like to have friends who are kind, helpful, honest, patient, and entertaining. But I have a close friend whose character is slightly different from that, but instead we are more close than other friends. Because the most important thing is good familiarity that makes him a best friend.

    Yoga Ramadhani K. X IPA 2

  58. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  59. I have a friend from junior high school and until now I and he are still playing. We have always been everywhere. They have I consider like my own brother.
    Libriean saidi
    X-IPS 4

  60. I have a best friend. She has always been with me for a long time. We are in the same school from kindergarten to junior high school. we always do everything together. She is kind, considerate, assertive, and what I like the most is she is very brave. She is always cheering me on and protecting me. She is like a sister to me.

    Although now we are not in the same school, I hope we can continue to be friends forever. I miss her btw '-'
    (Syafana Nuril Aini X IPS 4)

  61. in the past, i felt like i don't have any best friend. but someday i met Her. she is everything to me. we sometimes go hang out together, dinner, watch a movie. she want hear my troble and always beside me when i so stress full. and now she is my best friend.
    Zulfa Fatur X IPS 3

  62. I have a best friend, we are meet in junior high school. She is a good person, but sometimes she forget me. We are always together in the school, It's a best moments. Haaa, i don't know... I miss her, i hope we can meet again.

    Naira Ananda - X MIA 2

  63. I have a lot of friends.

    although not much, they are all good and I am very happy to have friends like them, although with different beliefs, and different characters.

    because that friend is someone you really love. You share kindness sympathy empathy, affection, same interests loyalty and have fun with them

    Muhammad Ridwan Wicaksono X-IPA 3

  64. I have two best friends in school, and the part of my friend's character that I like the most is that they are there when I'm having a hard time

    Wahyu Aryaputra
    X mia 1

  65. I have a close friend, first you know when junior high school is good smart but sometimes he always wants to win himself but as a good friend I will invite him to be better. and I'm sure he will change. because true friends won't leave that easily😊
    (Anisa faradila X ipa 3)

  66. When I entered Senior High School, I have one friend. I thought she was not friendly, but after we talk to each other, we found our similarity, she is a kind-hearted person. I love my friend so much.

    Faiza Aura Elvano
    X MIA 1

  67. To be honest. I don't have many friend, cause I'm so shy. But my friend always helping me when i have a trouble and make me happy when i'm sad

    (Ayya Shofia Az-Zahra X IPS 4)

  68. I have many friends and they have different habits and characters. A friend is someone who can see the truth and pain in you even when you hide it. And always there for me when I need a helping hand.
    ( Lutfi Kharisma X IPA 3)

  69. I have many friends but only a few are close to me. in my opinion friends are who always accompany us every day and always support us from behind.

    Frizt Reynara
    X MIPA 1

  70. actually I have many friends, at school or outside of school. However, if told to choose one, I would choose my friend named 'Elisa'. I started to befriend with her since grade 2 of junior high school. She was funny, understanding even though sometimes a bit rude. but I accept him for who she is, just as he accepted me for who I am. we went through the ups and downs of middle school together. but unfortunately, I'm different from high school. At first we were very sad, but we still tried to communicate. even now I am still good friends with him. She and I also often met on several occasions. like sometimes when I'm free, I visit her house. She is also a good listener, that's why I will also be a good listener for her too.

    Graciella Theresia X IPA 3

  71. I have some friend, they're stupid and sometimes gonna be like an idiot. But i love them.
    We were like a siblings. Going out together, and every week always come to one of us home.
    Even now we're not in the same school but we always keep in touch each other.
    I love them sooooo much

    For: mcd lovers
    Messege: i love you with all my heart


  72. I have many friends with different characters. They are very kind , funny , and they are can be a good listener. We are always playing together. I’m verry enjoy spending time with them.

    Monica Andarra Triani
    X IPA 3

  73. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  74. I have a best friend. I am friends with him from elementary school until now. We sometimes like to go the mall and also watch the cinema. In my opinion she is a nice and pleasant person.

    Marsella Indrianti
    (X IPA 3)

  75. I have a lot of friends but only a few are comfortable to talk to. those who I trust to listen to my story are friends who are patient with my behavior and always give advice

    M.Rasyadan.R. X IPA 3

  76. I have a friend, she is a good woman, merciful, friendly. She and I always have fun from we are children to teens and we are still playing together.

    Syafana Aldisa
    X IPS 4

  77. i have many friends with different characters.they are very kind,funny,and they are can be good

  78. have many friends can feel a lot of difference
    Aliffia X IPA 1

  79. I have best friend in the same school, they have different character. They're like my sisters, because they always listen to my story and always with me. I always be grateful have them.

    Regina Adelin Amelia X IPS 4

  80. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  81. Looking for good friends and friends that always beside me is very difficult. I don't really need many friends. I just need a friend who sincerely listens to all my problems and kind to me. I'm glad I still have good friends around me.

    Sabila Aqiilahnur Fitrah ( X IPS 4)

  82. Im being friendly to everyone, but if they messing up with me or my friends, ill beat them.

    Muh. Akmal Muzakki (X IPA 2)

  83. there are friends, there is family, and then there are friends that become family.

    khalisya renata (X IPA 2)

  84. I have a very good and caring friend, he understands my condition when sad and happy, and I'm lucky about that

    Ratna Tri Astuti
    X IPA 2

  85. I have friends, we met at junior high school. He is a good person, and he always listens to all my stories. I really miss him, I hope we can meet again.
    Najwa ( X MIPA 2 )

  86. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  87. Actually I have a lot of friends around me. But there is one friend of mine who I don't want to forget the most. His name is Zidan, I have known him since I was a child. He is kind, handsome, and always protects me even though he is a bit rude. But he was never rude to me. He is patient, polite, funny, likes to entertain. I like being friends with him because he accepts me for who I am, and I also accept him for who he is. Even though we never went to one school, but our house is close together. But now we are far apart because he is studying in Padang. He is a good listener, and I will also be a good listener for him.


  88. I have many friends with different characters. but a good friend is someone who cares about you. always defends and support us in every condition.

    M Fadhlan C (X IPS 4)

  89. I have friends, we met at junior high school. He is a good person, and he always listens to all my stories. I really miss him, I hope we can meet again.


  90. Friends will come and go in your life. No matter how long your friendships last, the most important thing is your friends’ acceptance of you for who you are. A good friend walks the talk and shows that they care by their actions – big and small. Don’t be too clingy or needy. Everyone needs space to be alone or spend time with other people as well.


  91. I had a friend in junior high school and now one more school in high school we are like brothers, even so close we are often called twins but we never question that we really like that call.

    X IPS 4

  92. I have a friend, she's my friend since I was 6 years old. In a way, she's my best friend. I often fight with her, but we also always make up quickly. she doesn't like it when other people play with us, she thinks it makes us fight a lot. I agree a little. We often spend time together, playing bicycles, walking, and other fun things.

    now we are separated, she studies in Depok and I study in Jakarta. we don't play too often now, we usually play on holidays only. even if we can. I really miss her.

    - Dearni ( X IPA 3 )

  93. A friend is someone you love and who loves you, someone you respect and who respects you, someone whom you trust and who trusts you. A friend is honest and makes you want to be honest, too. A friend is loyal.

    A friend is someone who not only doesn't care if you're ugly or boring, but doesn't even think about it; someone who forgives you no matter what you do, and someone who tries to help you even when they don't know how. A friend is someone who tells you if you're being stupid, but who doesn't make you feel stupid.

    A friend is someone for whom you're willing to change your opinions. A friend is someone you look forward to seeing and who looks forward to seeing you: someone you like so much, it doesn't matter if you share interests or traits. A friend is someone you like so much, you start to like the things they like.

    But those aren't all of it.
    You could have many friends.
    But most of them might not be real/true friends..

    Real Friend : The one person that will stand by you, no matter what. They will help you with your problems and give you the advice you need, even if it isn't what you want to hear. They will put you first and make time for you when you need them. They will always have your back when you need it but won't hesitate to tell you when you're wrong.

    No matter how long you are apart you can pick up right where you left off with them.

    Sometimes it does take some times to find your Real Friend. But once you find Them. They won't let you down.


    (Aditya Ikhwan Saputra - X Mipa 3)


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