chapter 7 past tense vs present perfect tense

Wright Brothers

read it carefully!
Past Tense Vs Present Perfect Tense

Kompetensi Dasar

Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan      memberi dan meminta informasi terkait keadaan/tindakan/ kegiatan/kejadian yang dilakukan/terjadi di waktu lampau yang merujuk waktu terjadinya dan kesudahannya, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan simple past tense vs present perfect tense)

Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional, lisan dan tulis, pendek dan sederhana, yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait keadaan/tindakan/ kegiatan/kejadian yang dilakukan/terjadi di waktu lampau yang merujuk waktu terjadinya dan kesudahannya, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks

Materi Pembelajaran:

·   Fungsi Sosial
Menjelaskan, mendeskripsikan, menyangkal, menanyakan, dsb.
·   Struktur Teks
-   Memulai
-   Menanggapi (diharapkan/di luar dugaan)
·   Unsur Kebahasaan
-   Kalimat deklaratif dan interogative dalam simple past tense, present perfect tense.
-   Adverbial dengan since, ago, now; klause dan adveribial penunjuk waktu
-   Nomina singular dan plural secara tepat, dengan atau tanpa a, the, this, those, my, their, dsb.
-   Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan
·   Topik
Kegiatan, tindakan, kejadian, peristiwa yang dapat menumbuhkanperilaku yang termuat di KI

Read and Learn in your book chapter 6!

After you read chapter 7, Please do:

1. write your opinion in the comment about what have wright brothers done and what did they do to make they dreams came true!

2. Watch the video below to indicate the use of SIMPLE PAST and PRESENT PERFECT


3. Read the dialogue in page 97-98. Write down in your book some sentences using Simple Past and Present Perfect

4. Make 4 sentences using Simple Past and Present Perfect in your book.

5. Do alive exercise, open the link below!

6. Explain the using of Simple Past and Present Perfect in your blog. Record a using Simple Past and Present Perfect dialogue video with your partner and attach it in your blog.

7. Do the test below!


  1. I think what they do is really brilliant and really amazing. And what they've done is very useful these days

    1. Saya pikir mereka sangat jenius dan mereka terinspirasi oleh pesawat yang diberikan oleh ayahnya. Sangat cerdas dan sangat baik (Bintang Raja)

  2. Wright Brother's have experimented with making their own helicopters since kid. And they made first flight with their first plane at Kitty Hawk.
    (Nadila Febrianti X MIA I)

  3. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  4. The Wright Brothers made airplane and Orville liked to build kites, so they have experimented with making helicopters.

    I think they are so amazing and never give up for their experimented.

  5. The Wright brother have Made The first flight with their first plane. To make their dream comes true, they have experimented with making their own helicopters.(Ismi Marhamah X MIPA 1)

  6. I think wright brothers is very jenius because they drop out from school and success because made airplane


  7. The Wright Brothers made airplane and Orville liked to build kites, so they have experimented with making helicopters.

    They we're great.


  8. The Wright brothers have done something big that is they created the plane,they have spent a lot of their time and energy. their services will always be remembered.(Wahyu Aryaputra X IPA 1)

  9. The Wright brothers made a new revolutionary invention which they called "airplaine". They achieved their dreams by experimenting with making their own toy helicopter at first. Then on December 14, 1903, they made their first plane at Kitty Hawk.

  10. The wright brothers made an airplane and they succeeded even though its nearly impossible. They have done a great job.

  11. Wright brothers do a few experimen with their own helicopter,orvile made a first flight with their first plane at kitty hawa on desember 14, 1903, in fer experiment their succed make gliders to perfect the wing design and controls

  12. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  13. Very good story about the wright brother

  14. The wright brother invnted first ariplane.
    They have experimented with making their own helicopters (dythia asma nadia X IPA 1)

  15. The Wright brothers pursued his dream by working hard and experimenting with gliders to perfect the design and control of the dream wing since then
    (Aliffia X ipa 1)

  16. I think what they did is brilliant ,their invention is very useful

  17. The wright brothers are very genius. They are eager to make planes, and they have very unique ideas. In my opinion, they will realize their dreams

  18. I think they have done something very genius, because what they have done is very useful for everyone

  19. Wright bribroth experimented with making our own helicopters for a while now. They have done a great job.

  20. I think they very genius. They have made an airplane. Because he first made model an airplane

  21. i think what they do very genious. because they can make airplane.


  22. I think they very genius. They have made an airplane and very good question

  23. they work together and achieve their dreams consistently!! Is so motivationaly..

  24. i think what they do very genious. because they can make airplane.

  25. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  26. The Wright Brothers inventing, building, and flying the world's first successful airplane. That's not an easy work to do but with their strong will and work hard they can make their dreams came true! Wish i could be like them (Raisa X IPA 3)


  27. I think they are so amazing and never give up for all the experiments.

    The Wright brothers made a new revolutionary invention which they called "airplaine".

    They achieved their dreams by experimenting with making their own toy helicopter at first.

  28. I think the Wright Brothers had a brilliant idea to make a revolutionary transportation. with intelligence and persistence in achieving their goal of making airplanes (Muhammad Ridwan Wicaksono X IPA 3)

  29. i think what they do very genious. because they can make airplane

  30. The wright are very genius. They have a very genius idea. They make an airplane even though its nearly impossible. What they've done is very useful for everyone


  31. The Wright Brothers got an inspiration when their dad gave them a toy helicopter that flew with the help of rubber bands. They had been interested, and I think they are very good. (lutfi kharisma X mipa 3)

  32. I think he is both a great person who never gives up fans always try even though fail continuously(Muhammad rasyadan ridwan X ipa 3

  33. I think the they are very genius and so amazing. They made the first model of airplane with their experiment. (Frizt Reynara X Mia 1)

  34. I think They are have experimented with making own helicopters. They are so amazing, they have done a good job.

  35. The Wright Brothers has achieved his dream more than what they could imagine. Their works has proven by how advanced the aviation is today. I bet, they will be astonished by what have they done.
    -I Putu A.R.A (X IPS III)

  36. The Wright brothers has achoeved his dream more than what they could imagine.They are so amazing

  37. The Wright brothers made an airplane and they succeeded even though it was almost impossible. They have done a good job. (Rifqi ips3)

  38. The Wright Brother is Very jenius And they manage to make people fly and I find them very useful in the present and successfully change the world (Bobby Moreno X IPS 3)


  39. I think the weight brothers are very genius, they rely on reason to make an airplane that is very much needed, yes of course, they are very great

  40. the wright brothers had a genius idea , since their father gave them a toy helicopter . they made a first model of aiplane with their own experiment and their work hard togetger and finally made their own plane and achieve their dreams come true
    ( Joy Loisinda X IPS 3 )

  41. The Wright brother have Made The first flight with their first plane. They are really amazing people with skills, like orville Made the first flight with they first plane at Kitty hawk. They are absolutely amazing (Nuno Bintang Raihan X IPS 3)

  42. I think the Wright Brothers is awesome because they made a new kind of transportation that people were never thought about.To gain their dream they have a lot of experiments although they had failures but they never give up that so cool.

    Dewa Bayu Hartanto (X IPS 3)

  43. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  44. I think that they are very genius and they were inspired by the plane given by his father. Very smart and very good (Shira Aulia Azzahra X ips 3)

  45. I think they are so amazing, they have a good job

    The wright brothers made a new revolutionary invention which they called " airplane". They work hard to realized they dream with making helicopter. ( Alhamda Septiani S X IIS 3)

  46. The wright brothers are very genius and great person. They have brilliant idea to make revolutionary transpotation like airplane. They realize their dream by ezperimented with making helicopter for a while. (Valerie Christabel X IPS 3).

  47. The Wright brothers pursued his dream by working hard and experimenting with gliders to perfect the design and control of the dream wing since then

  48. They made their first airplane inspired by the toys their father gave them, and they have the passion to make real airplane, I think that's a good and smart idea

    (Hanifah Az Zahra X IPS 3)

  49. The Wright Brothers made airplane and Orville liked to build kites, so they have experimented with making helicopters.

    I think they are so amazing and never give up for their experimented.

  50. The Wright Brothers consisted of two parents, who generally used the design and design of the first effective aircraft, and made the first controlled aircraft using heavier-engined airplanes in the air, together with other milestones in the aerospace field.( Tarissa salsabillah x ips 3)

  51. I think they are so amazing they have a good job

    The wright brothers made a new revolutionary invetion wich they called “airplane”. They work hard to realized they dream with making helicopter. (Adindan Sri Andini X ips 3)

  52. I think they are so amazing and never give up for all the experiments.

    The Wright brothers made a new revolutionary invention which they called "airplaine".

    They achieved their dreams by experimenting with making their own toy helicopter at first.(Wenny Aulia x ips3)

  53. I think they are very genius. They have amazing idea and got an inspiration when their dad gave them a toy helicopter that flew with gelp of rubber bands. They made the first model of airplane with their experiment. I think that’s a very good
    ( Dessya Aneira X Ips 3 )

  54. i think they are so amazing because they have experimented with making helicopters and their dreams comes true [Cleo Putri Alyadi X IPS 3]

  55. who generally used the design and design of the first effective aircraft, and made the first controlled aircraft using heavier-engined airplanes in the air ( dinda Astria x ips 3)


  56. I think they are very genius because they want to make an airplane that was inspired by his father.

    High dreams can change their lives. Dreams remind them to change their mindset to be successfull. (Hanan X Ips 3)

  57. my opinion about this chapter i mean the right brothers it's so amazing ,they could find a way to make a plane flown away through the sky, it's never been thinked before cuz at that time none does ever think how to make a thing like that flew away to the sky
    (Muhammad Rafi Fadhillah Feirdy X-IPS-4)

  58. The wright brothers made an airplane and they succeeded even though its nearly impossible. They have done a great job.

  59. i think they are very amazing and hard working, because they have made an airplane, the airplane is usefull for everyone (RAVELLIA PUTRI GUNAWAN, X IPS 4)


  60. I think they are very genius because
    They made their first airplane inspired by the toys their father gave them, and they have the passion to make real airplane, I think that's a good and smart idea (Nesken X IPS 4)

  61. In my opinion, they are both very great because they have innovated many people with their efforts to make the plane, they are also a hard worker who can make many people proud of them

  62. I think they are very genius
    And Amazing....

  63. I think they're very genius because they have thoughts to make planes.because the airplane will help to reach her father dream.(Libriean Saidi X IPS 4)

  64. That is amazkng! I think wright brothers is very jenius because they drop out from school and success because made airplane. They achieved their dreams by making their own airplane. What they did is absolutely brilliant.

  65. The wright brothers made an airplane and they succeeded even thought its hearly impossible.they have done a great job. (Tarisa X IPS 4)

  66. I think they're very genius. They can build the first "airplane" inspired by the toy they father gave them.
    [ Zhafier X-IPS4]

  67. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  68. I think they are very hard working because they have make airplane by inspiration his father.
    They flew their first plane at Kitty Hawk on December 14, 1903.
    ( Annisa X IPS 4 )

  69. I think they are very genius because they have done experimented making airplane that they design themselves, they got inspiration from their own father because his father gave them helicopter toys (Alia x ips 4)

  70. I think they're so amazing and very genius. Because they want to make experimental aircraft. I think it's very good. I bet they could make an airplane with success.

    (Aulia Agustina X IIS 4)

  71. In my opinion , they are so genius, they can realize the "airplane" inspired by the toy they father gave them.
    -Danarsyah X-IPS 4

  72. I think they were inspired by the plane given by his father and they are very genius (M Fadhlan C X IPS 4)

  73. The Wright Brothers inventing, building, and flying the world's first successful airplane. That's not an easy work to do but with their strong will and work hard they can make their dreams came true! Wish i could be like them

  74. The wright brothers are very genius. They have brilliant idea to make revolutionary transpotation like airplane. They realize their dream by ezperimented with making helicopter for a while
    (Stevanus Febrianto
    X IPS 4)


  75. wrieght brothers are great people, he can make planes inspired by his father. when his father gives him toys.

  76. They are really amazing. The Wright Brothers has making they own helicopters for a while. And they have designed a new airplane. (Sabila Aqiilah X IPS 4)

  77. I think they are very a good person, because he created an airplane. (Chysy tania X IPS 4)

  78. SThey have made airplane. They help human to being to fly. they have made experimented with making own helicopters

  79. I think the Wright Brothers is so genius, because they can make the first airplane in the world and can inspiration everyone to never give up of everything

  80. So thats how the first Airplane made. Wright brothers are genius. Their master piece is very useful for nowadays

  81. I think they are very good person, because he can make planes inspired by his father, that's brilliant idea.

  82. I think the wright brothers are the great people, because they are can created useful airplane. (syafana aldisa X IPS 4)

  83. I think they so genius because they can make the first airplane in the world

    (afifah fitriyah - X IIS 4)

  84. That's awsome! The Wright brother have made the first flight with their first plane.
    They can make their dreams came true! They have done a good job.

  85. I think the wright brothers are genius, intelligent and creative. They can make very extraordinary plane. They really inspire many people because of their creation. ( Marsella Indrianti X IPA 3)

  86. I think they are so amazing. They didn’t just invent the airplane. They learned, as no one ever knew before, how to fly it, and that means riding with the wind and adjusting having wings that will do the necessary adjustments that will make it possible to stay in the air. (Syafana nuril aini X IPS 4)

  87. I think they are so amazing brcaus them we can fly the other country fast.

  88. this story has inspired many people. I really like them.

  89. I think they're so amazing.Because they very intelligent, creative and genius. I like how they work

  90. That's awsome! The Wright brother have made the first flight with their first plane. (Ryan Aric Ardhani X IPA 2

  91. Wright brothers are amazing they have made big invention on Earth and now their invention is very very useful

  92. I think they are so amazing that they never gave up on all the experiments.

    The Wright brothers made a new revolutionary invention which they called "airplaine".

    They achieved their dreams by experimenting with making their own toy helicopter at first.

  93. a concrete proof that the effort wouldn't betray the results no matter how heavy the obstacles that stand in the way (ana rahmadini x mia 2)

  94. I think the wright brothers are smart and creative. They can make the first airplane. Their father is inspiration for the wright brothers. (Amelia X IPA 2)

  95. The Wright Brothers are genius, they have such a brilliant idea that rarely people think bout that.

  96. The Wright Brothers inventing, building, and flying the world's first successful airplane. That's not an easy thing to do but with their strong will and work hard they can make their dreams came true! And i think they're so amazing because they can make their dream vome true... I really appreciate their idea to make the airplane~
    (Rachmat I.N.S X MIA 2)

  97. I amazed the both of them ( the wright's brother) have got inspired by the helicopter toy that the whight's brother's dad gave to them, and have made the big chance to the world. And i also glad that the both of them didnt give up to make an airplane ( Natasya x ipa2)

  98. I think the wright brothers are amazing.because they can make humans fly with their extraordinary discoveries. (Andhika Gusti Pratama X IPA 2)

  99. I think the Wright brothers is amazing because they make a plane that we didn't make it ,and they are never give up to make it (Valent Sanjaya X IPA 2)

  100. I think they're just incredible geniuses! They can build a good first plane, and this could be an inspiration to all of us.
    (Pinkan Galung Aulia X IPA 2)

  101. The wright brothers are very genius, they can make a plane because it was inspired by their father when they were given a toy helicopter. they also like to experiment and create new designs for their aircraft. I think in 1905 it was very difficult to make such a thing. yeah, they are really brilliant! (Fabiana Afanin X IPA 2)

  102. I think they are so amazing because they have been creating the airplane and they were inspiration all of us (Dion widhitama X Mia 2)

  103. I Thinkth are the Wright brothers are geniuses. they made the first flight plane on 14 December 1903. they have worked and experimented with gliders to perfect wing design and control since then.
    ( Tiara Pravita, X MIA 2 )


  104. The wrieght brothers are great people,  they have experimented with making helicopters and their dreams comes true
    The wright brothers made an airplane and they succeeded even thought its hearly impossible. (Della Zahra Aulia X IPA 2)

  105. I think, this is very good story. And suitable for school children, I was amazed by the efforts of those who wanted to make a plane with a number of attempts, and the two brothers remained persistent with thier determination and effort. his is very good

  106. The Wright brothers are very genius and great. They made their first airplane inspired by a toy given by their father, and they had a desire to make a real airplane (Najwa X MIPA 2 )

  107. I think what they do are amazing because they made something to help a lot of people

    I proud of them

    (Fara Dilla X MIA 2)

  108. I think the Wright brothers are inspiration for us. They made experiment that became our tecnology today.
    ( yulianti novita sari , X Ipa 2)


  109. I think they do something briliant,they do it with hard work,they don't never give up for to make a plane

    (Cantikha X MIA 2)

  110. They invented airplane, and that's so awesome. They were a very hardworker, they experimented alot and never gave up (Azzahra Hidayanti X MIA 2)

  111. The Wright brothers were very smart people, because they were the first people to do research on aircraft

  112. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  113. the wirght brothers are smart people

    (Adam Nugraha X MIA 2)

  114. The Wright Brothers were invented the airplane. They were very a hard worker and a jenius, because they made something that help many people

  115. i think what they do very genious., because they can make airplane. They have such a brilliant idea that rarely people think bout that.

  116. the wright brothers were so smart they could build planes. they have a very unique and creative mindset. their deeds are able to help many people.

  117. I think these two brothers are really great because they both make something really helpful these days

    (Ulul Abshor X MIPA 1)

  118. i think they are very genius, they have amazing idea. it's very helpful

  119. I think this brother is very genius, because these two can create new transportation innovations through the airspace called airplanes.

    (Igian Achmad Fahmi X IPA 1)

  120. they are very genius, let alone their persistent and unyielding attitude in making aircraft, it looks really cool, the invention is successful and useful for everyone.

  121. I think what they do is really brilliant and really amazing. because what they have done is very useful for everyone.

    Salma Nur Febriani (37) X IPS 4


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