Read it carefully!
Recount Text, Heroes History
Kompetensi Dasar:
Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks recount lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait peristiwa bersejarah sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya
4.7 Teks recount – peristiwa bersejarah
Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks recount lisan dan tulis terkait peristiwa bersejarah
Menyusun teks recount lisan dan tulis, pendek dan sederhana, terkait peristiwa bersejarah, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai konteks
Materi Pembelajaran
Read and Learn chapter 8, Battle of Surabaya.
Materi Pembelajaran
· Fungsi Sosial
Melaporkan, menceritakan, berbagi pengalaman, mengambil teladan, membanggakan
· Struktur Teks
Dapat mencakup:
- orientasi
- urutan kejadian/kegiatan
- orientasi ulang
· Unsur Kebahasaan
- Kalimat deklaratif dan interogatif dalam simple past, past continuous, present perfect, dan lainnya yang diperlukan
- Adverbia penghubung waktu: first, then, after that, before, when, at last, finally, dsb.
- Adverbia dan frasa preposisional penujuk waktu
- Nomina singular dan plural dengan atau tanpa a, the, this, those, my, their, dsb.
- Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan
· Topik
Peristiwa bersejarah yang dapat menumbuhkan perilaku yang termuat di KIRead and Learn chapter 8, Battle of Surabaya.
After reading and learning chapter 9:
1. make the outline of the recount text: Battle of Surabaya based on the structure of the text (orientation, events and reorientation) with your group.
2. record the outline and attach the video in your blog.
3. if you were a boy in the text, which part do you like to be that inspired you? write down in the comment below!
Do the exercise: Present tense vs past tense! Before that, watch the video first below:
3. After you do the exercises above, write total right answer in form below!
I will be inspired when a hero delivers his speech -nicole gabby , x ipa 1
BalasHapusNama : Aliffia anassyahtira
BalasHapusKelas : X ipa 1when he calmly carried the secret code
Nadila Febrianti X MIA 1
BalasHapusThe part that inspired me when the boy was never give up in the battle even his left leg is hurt.
He fought like the other did and he never cried or scared when the battle started.
I was inspired by a young man who was fighting againts the invaders. -Adinda Jilan ( X ipa 1 )
BalasHapuswhen the girl cheered me up with words of wisdom in the fields
BalasHapusI was inspired by a young man who was fighting agains the invaders . - Azzah Afifah
BalasHapusI was inspired by a young man who was fighting agains the invaders -Citra Febryani (X IPA I)
BalasHapusFaiza Aura Elvano, X MIA 1
BalasHapusI was inspired by the story
the part that inspired me was when I saw a boy whose sole leg was disabled but still passionate about joining the country -Syahdan Nugroho X IPA 1
BalasHapusit is one of the greatest history in Indonesia. When Bung Tom delivered his speech on the radio, that was the best part in my opinion. (Frizt reynara X mia 1)
BalasHapusHe did not surrender and was afraid of the army attacking his area even though he was only thirteen years old. He really inspired me not to give up in anything and don't fear anyone but our god. And he is a very strong child he remains strong even though his mother died before his eyes with the message that there is no such thing as a victory of war (Ismi Marhamah X MIPA 1)
Dythia asma nadia, X IPA 1
BalasHapusthe part that inspired me the most was when his mother died and delivered the message that "there is no glory in war". that part was very touching 🤧
The part I was inspired, the boy struggles to defeat his ego so that he can be a hero to himself, and the hero is a person who is trustworthy and not vindictive ( lutfi kharisma X mipa 3)
BalasHapusThe part that makes me inspired is his love for the motherland is much more than the pain he felt so he keep fighting no matter what happend. And there's one more thing that's really inspired me is the unity and unyielding spirit by the youth to attack the invaders to reclaim their beloved homeland 💕 - Raisa Fitri (X IPA 3)
BalasHapusThe part that inspired me when the boy was never give up in the battle even his left leg is hurt. And i was inspired by a young man who was fighting againts the invaders
BalasHapus(X ipa 3)
from the story, I was inspired by his fighting spirit and unyielding in the face of the invaders to defend the country of his homeland
BalasHapus—Clariesta Eka N.C (X IPA 3)
The part that inspired me when the boy was never give up in the battle even his left leg is hurt.
BalasHapusHe fought like the other did and he never cried or scared when the battle started.
Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
HapusI like the part when the boy said "Merdeka" in the last video. Cause that make me so amzed. And fell the struggle of hero power
BalasHapusX IPS 3
HapusI really like shooting. because in that part is the moment when someone lives and dies
BalasHapus~Bobby Moreno X IPS 3
The part that inspired me when the boy was never give up in the battle even his left leg is hurt.
BalasHapusHe fought like the other did and he never cried or scared when the battle started.
Nuno Bintang Raihan
(X IPS 3)
The part I was inspired, the boy struggles to defeat his ego so that he can be a hero to himself, and the hero is a person who is trustworthy and not vindictive
BalasHapusX IPS 3
He did not surrender and was afraid of the army attacking his area even though he was only thirteen years old. He really inspired me not to give up in anything and don't fear anyone but our god. And he is a very strong child he remains strong even though his mother died before his eyes with the message that there is no such thing as a victory of war
BalasHapusWenny Aulia Xips3
BalasHapusI was inspired by his fighting spirit and unyielding in the face of the invaders to defend the countrybof his homeland, and when the boy was never give up in the battle even his left leg is hurt
Muhammad Fikri Ramdhani (X IPS 3)
from this story I was inspired by a boy who fought against invaders by never giving up even though he had felt sick many times. -SHIRA AULIA AZZAHRA (X IPS 3)-
BalasHapusI was inspired when the boy never give up in the battle and part Bung Tomo says Allahuakbar
The part that imspired me when the boy was never give up in the battle even his left leg is hurt. I was inspired by his fighting spirit and unyielding in the face to the invaders to defend the country of his homeland
BalasHapusAdly febrian 10 ips 3
When he pressed his ego. the most was when his mother died and delivered the message that "there is no glory in war". Armelita (x ips 3)
BalasHapusI was inspired when the Bung Tomo saya Allahuakabar because thats scene makes me speechless
BalasHapusDewa Bayu Hartanto
(X IPS 3)
when the boy played a very important role in this battle and he is a very strong [Cleo Putri X IPS 3]
BalasHapusfrom that story, I was inspired by the fighting spirit of the heroes and never gave up in front of the invaders to defend the country of their homeland.
BalasHapus(DITA MAULIDYA 10 IPS 3)
I don't know if Indonesian people can make such a high graphic movie like that. Great job for the people who make this film
BalasHapusThe inspiration contained in the Battle Surabaya film is the struggle of the heroes who defended Surabaya
BalasHapusDinda Astria Prastiwi ( IPS X 3)
Name: I Putu Adhimas R.A
BalasHapusGrade: X IPS III
The biggest inspiration i've got from this movie is passion. Passion makes people to encourage their bravery and unthinkable acts for subjective reasons. To be honest, i haven't watched the movie yet. Because i don't feel it is worth to watch. I have enough patriotic movies.
BalasHapusI was inspired by a man who dared to fight the invaders, for the sake of Indonesia
BalasHapusthe part that inspired me when the child fought against the invaders in the battle even when his leg was injured he remained in spirit
(Hanan Nanda X IPS 3)
The inspiration in the film is about struggle .
BalasHapusAdinda Sri Andini (X IPS 3)
I inspire from the story who boy with soul fighter,never give up and not fear about everything.
BalasHapusTarrisa Salsabillah
The part that inspired me when the boy was never give up in the battle even his left leg is hurt. And I was inspired by a young man who was fighting againts the invanders ( Alhamda Septiani Sopian X IIS 3)
BalasHapusThe part that inspired me when the boy was naver give up in the battle even his left leg is hurt (Hanifah Az Zahra X IPS 3)
BalasHapusI was inspired by the struggle and defense of citizens and heroes from Surabaya to liberate Indonesia from the invaders
BalasHapus(Francessa devtri-x ips 3)
I was inspired by a boys who sacrificed his life for Indonesia.
BalasHapus(Kezia Talenta X IPS 3)
I was inspired when the Bung Tomo say Allahuakabar because thats scene makes me speechless and that's video is so inspired
BalasHapusNesken Latansa (X IPS 4)
I am so proud of the boy. Although her parents had left her and her parents behind, she struggled with the Dutch. I was deeply touched by his struggle
BalasHapus-X IIS 4
BalasHapusI was inspired when the Bung Tomo saya Allahuakabar because thats scene makes me speechless
BalasHapus(Tarisa Nur Aida X IPS 4)
I was inspired by the video, i could how is Indonesia when they tries to make the flag flown up
BalasHapus(Muhammad Rafi Fadhillah Feirdy X IPS 4)
the part that inspired me when the boy fought againts invaders by never giving up (aliaputri d x ips 4)
BalasHapusI like the part where there is a guy who runs off in a forest and there are soldiers who shoot him with bullets he doesn't hit( salsabila putri firmansyah x ips 4)
BalasHapusThis video so inspirited because when the Dutch flag was torn by Indonesians above the hotel
BalasHapus( Ananta Puspita Sari Asnan X IPS 4 )
the part that inspired me is when the boys never give up and have high spirit to defend the country (ravellia putri gunawan, x ips 4)
BalasHapusKomentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapusI like it when the boy's part tore off the blue flag
BalasHapus( Annisa Agnia X IPS 4 )
The part that inspired me when the boy was never give up in the battle.
BalasHapusHe fought like the other did and he never cried or scared when the battle started.
Chysy Tania X ips 4
I was inspired when the boy had a high fighting spirit and never give up until the end -syafana aldisa X IPS 4
BalasHapusthe part I like the most is when a little boy says freedom and they have courage (Pricilla Audrey X IPS 4)
BalasHapusThe part that inspired me the most is when Yumna sacrificed herself to save Musa. Musa was arrested and tortured by British soldiers, he was forced to tell the place where he kept his secret letter.
BalasHapusBecause of the sacrifice of Yumna for Musa, Musa could survive and continue his struggle for the sake of the Indonesian people.
(Syafana Nuril Aini X IPS 4)
I inspired when bung tomo say "allahuakbar" because it makes my heart warm
BalasHapusClass: x ipa 2
The part that inspired me the most was the part of Indonesia that refused to surrender
BalasHapus( Yoga X Ipa 2 )
I like the scene when he jumped over to the puddle with his car/motorcycle. Bc, it looks so cool. And what inspired me was the part when he never giveup to save the country
I was very inspired went a boy and Bung Tomo said allahuakbar.
BalasHapusRyan Aric Ardhani
BalasHapusX MIPA 2
from that story, I was inspired by the fighting spirit of the heroes and never gave up in front of the invaders to defend the country of their homeland.
BalasHapusI was inspired when the Bung Tomo say Allahuakabar because thats scene makes me speechless l am so proud of the boy. Although her parents had left her and her parents behind, she struggled with the Dutch. I was deeply touched by his struggle and that's video is so inspired
Della Zahra Aulia
My favorite part is when Indonesian said "MERDEKA". Because it makes me feel really happy and proud (Azzahra Hidayanti X IPA 2)
BalasHapusWhen Bung Tomo shout Allahuakbar that makes me amazed (X MIA 2).
BalasHapusIndah Ramadhani X MIA 2
BalasHapusWhat inspired me was the honor of conquering enemies in surabaya to the last drop of bloods
The part that inspired me the most is when yumna sacrifice her self to save musa, because of that sacrifice mjsa could survive and continue the rebellion again
BalasHapus(X ipa 2)
The child with one leg never gave up to fight for indonesian nation for independence,even though his parents also became victims in Surabaya Battle
BalasHapusAndhika Gusti P
(X IPA 2)
I was inspired by a young man who was fighting againts the invaders
BalasHapusPinkan Galung Aulia X MIPA 2
I was very inspired when his mother told him to keep the spirit to win the independence of Indonesia even in the final seconds (Dion Widhitama X MIA 2)
BalasHapusKomentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapusthe part was inspired, many people died because they sacrificed for the country
BalasHapusFara Dilla
the part that inspired me was when the people sacrificed to defend the city of Surabaya and Bung Tom encouraged them all
BalasHapusFabiana Afanin
I was inspired,because the boy never giveup,and the boy brave to againts the enemys.
BalasHapusX IPA (Valent Sanjaya)
what inspired me was when a boy kept fighting resistance even though his legs hurt and used a stick
BalasHapusCantikha Nur Hikmah
for me the best part is when Bung Tomo delivered his speech on the radio
BalasHapusana rahmadini x mia 2
Hapusthis film really inspired me because of the struggle and defense of citizens and heroes from Surabaya to free Indonesia from invaders.
BalasHapus(Najwa Rv X MIPA 2 )
Part when the child's mother died because of the invaders. So he fought against the invaders for his mother and country.
BalasHapusNaira Ananda - X MIA 2
I was inspired that Bung Tomo, although he was young, he had a high spirit of nationalism ( Tiara Pravita X MIA 2)
BalasHapustruly admirable from the story above is unity and unyielding spirit by youths to attack invaders to reclaim their beloved homeland. and a motherland who truly defends death for this country.
BalasHapusSarah Devi
-X MIPA 2-
The part that inspired me when the boy was never give up in the battle.
BalasHapus(Regina x ips 4)
the spirit of patriotism, namely when a young man who is passionate about his actions, and never gives up in battle even when his leg is injured, that is the part that inspires me that don't be discouraged and don't give up easily. Reihan Radiansyah X IPA 3
BalasHapusThe part that will inspired me is when the boy is never give up even that all of his body is already hurt and when the boy is trying to survive and running from the people that shoot him with a gun and he just run and the bullet never really touch him.
BalasHapusNamira Hasnalma Aisyah (30) X IPA 3
the part that inspires me in this text is when all the people that fought in this battle did not give up and always had a spirit for indonesia's independence
BalasHapusSalma Azalia (36) X MIPA 1