Chapther 10, Recount text-BJ Habibie

Read it carefully!

Recount Text, BJ Habibie

Kompetensi Dasar:


Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks recount lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait peristiwa bersejarah sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya


4.7 Teks recount – peristiwa bersejarah

Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks recount lisan dan tulis terkait peristiwa bersejarah

Menyusun teks recount lisan dan tulis, pendek dan sederhana, terkait peristiwa bersejarah, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai konteks

Materi Pembelajaran

·   Fungsi Sosial
Melaporkan, menceritakan, berbagi pengalaman, mengambil teladan, membanggakan
·   Struktur Teks
Dapat mencakup:
-    orientasi
-    urutan kejadian/kegiatan
-    orientasi ulang
·   Unsur Kebahasaan
-   Kalimat deklaratif dan interogatif dalam simple past, past continuous, present perfect, dan lainnya yang diperlukan
-   Adverbia penghubung waktu: first, then, after that, before, when, at last, finally, dsb.
-   Adverbia dan frasa preposisional penujuk waktu
-    Nomina singular dan plural dengan atau tanpa a, the, this, those, my, their, dsb.
-   Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan
·   Topik
Peristiwa bersejarah yang dapat menumbuhkan perilaku yang termuat di KI

Read and Learn Chapter 9, BJ Habibie!

After reading and learning chapter 10:

1. Make a comment about BJ Habibie from his achievement of his life that inspire you most in the comment below!

2. Make an outline to write your idol by using Recount Text structure (orientation, events and reorientation). you may find more information about your idol by browsing in the internet to make the events more complete and interesting!

3. Write the text about your idol based on the outline you made!

4. individually, record the text and publish the video and your writing about your idol in your blog!

5. Watch the video about irregular verbs below:

5. Do the exercise about irregular verbs link below:

6. Fill the biography of BJ Habibie in the form below based on the text in the book!


  1. Name : Dewa Bayu Hartanto
    Class : X IPS 3

  2. I am very proud of Bj Habibie for having a good idea to make a plane
    -Rifqi x ips3

  3. class : X IPS 3
    when habibie get "beasiswa" to collage in german

  4. Class:10 ips 3
    When habibie get "beasiswa" to collage in german wk

  5. B.J Habibie once told us that we want to be smart in reading the Qur'an every night, he said this way when he was in Germany, in a love affair. Because he had seen the Jews read the Qur'an at midnight.
    Bobby X IIS 3

  6. Joy Loisinfa X IPS 3
    All of parts

  7. story b. j. habibie that inspired me was when he wanted to make a plane for the people of Indonesia. he wants the Indonesian people to get on their own plane.

    Azizul X Ips 3

  8. BJ Habibie had achieved many innovations. The most inspiring innovation he created was the aeroplane program. He decided to make a breakthrough in aeronautical field. By designing and building own aeroplane, Indonesia would technologically and scientifically advanced like any other Western Countries. BJ Habibie had numerous ideas. These ideas were eventually came to the real world. But, some of them are waiting to be come true.


  9. When B.J. Habibie get "beasiswa" to college in the Germany
    (Muhammad Fikri Ramdhani X IPS 3)


  10. When habibie make a plane
    -sandi wahyu X IPS 3


  11. I really like Bj habibie's experiment when he made his simple plane in Germany, even though he was ridiculed but the ridicule was a support for him to keep innovating for the world, and prove that he can and he doesn't think about what other people say

  12. am proud when he was able to create the first aircraft in Indonesia with the efforts of his smart brain. he was also able to restore the Indonesian economy after being hit by the 1998 monetary crisis.

    —Shira Aulia Azzahra X ips 3—

  13. The N250 development plan was first revealed by IPTN at the Paris Air Show exhibition in 1989, but in fact it was first introduced in 1986 at the Indonesia Air Show 1986 event. The PA-2, codenamed Krincing Wesi, first flew on 19 December 1996.

  14. i like the part b.j habibie which he is very concerned with Ainun

    Wenny Aulia X IIS 3

  15. BJ Habibie had achieved many innovations. The most inspiring innovation he created was the aeroplane program. He decided to make a breakthrough in aeronautical field. By designing and building own aeroplane, Indonesia would technologically and scientifically advanced like any other Western Countries. BJ Habibie had numerous ideas. These ideas were eventually came to the real world. But, some of them are waiting to be come true.
    -Nuno Bintang Raihan
    -X IPS 3


  16. When B.J. Habibie get "beasiswa" to college in the Germany and get idea to making an airplane
    (Muhammad Fikri Ramdhani X IPS 3)

  17. I was very inspired by BJ Habibie because he could continue his education with a scholarship in Germany, namely studying there by majoring in aeronautical engineering and airplane specialization until finally he could make his own airplane with the knowledge he had received

    (Hanan Nahda X IPS 3)


  18. The Power. he have said in 25 Mei 2019 " i am 83 years old but my soul is 38 " thats make me so proud of him. His power and spirit

  19. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  20. When Habibie received a degree in engineering in Germany.

    Kezia (X IPS 3)

  21. I'm amazed cause he can live till 83 years old. People this day can't live that long

  22. I'm amazed cause he can live till 83 years old. People this day can't live that long

  23. Aliaputri D
    X IPS 4
    B.J. Habibie inspired me when he got a scholarship to Germany. He is very smart and hardworking. He is the first person that made plane in indonesia.


  24. When B.J.Habibie get beasiswa in Germany
    Nesken X ips 4

  25. His intelligence in the fields of technology and science deserves a thumbs up. He had created a plane that became one of the assets of the Indonesian nation. In fact, because of Habibie's expertise in this matter, he was dubbed the Father of Indonesian Technology.
    - Syafana Aldisa (X IPS 4)

  26. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  27. BJ Habibie had achieved many innovations. The most inspiring innovation he created was the aeroplane program. He decided to make a breakthrough in aeronautical field. By designing and building own aeroplane, Indonesia would technologically and scientifically advanced like any other Western Countries.

    Chysy Tania (X IPS 4)

  28. I really like B. J Habibie because he inspired people from his hard working.
    -Regina X IPS 4

  29. the story is very cool and very inspiring

  30. When Mr. Habibie proposes to Mrs. Ainun, and when Mr. Habibie goes to Germany
    ~Muh Rizky Abd X-IPS 4

  31. I was very inspired when he made an airplane

  32. The part I like is the sincerity of their love. When Ainun had died, Habibie once said "Ainun never left me, because he was always in my heart"
    Indri X IPS 4

  33. Habibie loved his wife, Ainun. He is loyal to Ainun even though Ainun is dead. and now, they are finally reunited.

    (Ayya shofia. A X Ips 4)

  34. I was very inspired by BJ Habibie because he could continue his education with a scholarship in Germany, namely studying there by majoring in aeronautical engineering and airplane specialization until finally he could make his own airplane with the knowledge he had received

    Class : 10 IPS 4
    B.J. Habibie is a national figure who really inspired me, especially about his love story. Habibie and Ainun's love story is very beautiful and inspiring, hopefully they both rest in peace🙏🏻❤

  36. Salsabila putri firmansyah
    X ips 4
    I was very impressed with BJ Habibie because he was a figure who never gave up and was steadfast with his principles and was active in the high end of science so that he could make the first plane. And also he can in various things

  37. Pricilla Audrey
    ~ X IPS 4 ~

    B.J Habibie's story that inspired me when he continued to love Ainun, he died and his grave must be next to Ainun's grave. B.J Habibie is loyal to 1 woman even though Ainun is dead.

  38. Habibie is so cool, he has a lot of experience in a career and also very intelligent even he is able to boost the nation's name with his achievements

  39. The most inspiring part of b.j. Habie's at the b.j. Habibie made the first plane for Indonesia

    Ananta Puspita Sari Asnan ( X IPS 4 )


  40. B.J.Habibie is a special figure for me, because he can make Indonesian people proud of his work. And he is also highly respected by the other countries

  41. I am very proud of B.J. Habibie because during his life filled with learning and learning. So that he can achieve his goals. And B.J. Habibie married Ainun, his beloved wife. His love story is very envious, their love story to be made special films like Habibie & Ainun

    -Aulia Agustina X IIS 4-

  42. the one that inspired me was when B.J. Habibie got a scholarship in Germany.

    Annisa Agnia X IPS 4


  43. very inspiring story
    to my ashiap

  44. Habibie was a pioneer in the Indonesian aviation industry as his aircraft had shown the world that Indonesia could move towards an industrial era from being mainly labelled as an agrarian country.

    that's inspired me the most
    (Syafana Nuril Aini X IPS 4)

  45. I like B.J Habibie's experience when he did agreement with his wife, Ainun, "be as good as a wife" (Ravellia Putri Gunawan, X IPS 4)


  46. X IPS 4
    Very very inspiring story to my.


  47. X IPS 4
    Gw coment lagi nihh
    Very inspiring for me.

  48. Muhammad Rafi Fadhillah Feirdy X IPS 4



  49. BJ Habibie really inspired many people because of his hard work. He is the first person that made plane in indonesia.
    M Fadhlan C (X IPS 4)

  50. I was inspired by the love story between B.J. Habibie and Hasri Ainun. They are my two favorite people. Even though they are gone, but their stories will always be remembered.

    Sabila Aqiilahnur Fitrah
    (X IPS 4)

  51. I was very inspired by the B.J.Habibie experiment, he got a scholarship that he received in Germany. he is very smart and great. I hope to be like him.

    Yulianti Novita Sari (X IPA 2)

  52. I really like BJ Habibie because his life story really inspired me as a generation of the Indonesian people. His story was so inspiring from getting scholarships in Germany to his love story with Ainun, until BJ Habibie he could make his first plane, he could also make a theory about planes named after "Habibie factor"

    (Andhika Gusti P)
    •X IPA 2•

  53. Alea azalia
    10 ipa 2

    When B.J Habibie got scholarship to germany and recevied a degree in germany.


  54. I am very proud of B.J. Habibie because during his life filled with learning and learning. So that he can achieve his goals. he was a figure who never gave up and was steadfast with his principles and was active in the high end of science so that he could make the first plane. 

    Della Zahra Aulia
    ( X MIPA 2 )

  55. I was inspires by his struggle when he hard work for get a scholarship to studied in germany

    Fara Dilla
    X MIA 2

  56. the story that inspired me was the habibie love story with Ainun. their love remains the same and intact even for too long

    Cantikha Nur Hikmah
    X MIA 2

  57. I was inspired by how many effort in everything he has done like trying to make a lot of locomotive be more efiefficient

    Achmad Haikal Munawar
    Kelas 10 ipa 2

  58. I was very inspired by BJ Habibie because he could continue his education with a scholarship in Germany

    Pinkan Galung Aulia
    X MIPA 2

  59. One of B.J.Habibie's work experiences that inspired me was when he succeeded in making the plane.
    Yoga X IPA 2

  60. When B.J. Habibie get "beasiswa" to college in the Germany
    (Ryan Aric Ardhani X MIPA 2)

  61. I was inspired by the respected Mr. Habibie, with his hard work studying for a scholarship in Germany, and having a very impressed mind building the Indonesian state with him studying in Germany. Hopefully the memories remain

    Sarah Devi
    X MIA 2

  62. i'm falling in love with bj habibie and ainun love story. for me they're the example of true love
    -ana rahmadini x mia 2

  63. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  64. Valent.s
    X ipa 2
    I inspire, because B.J .Habibie is not give up from his work and continue his work until finish .

  65. what inspired me was when he pursued his true love to live with him namely Ainun's mother and that was made a film with the title habibie & ainun

    Fabiana Afanin
    X MIA 2

  66. All story from bj Habibie is very inspired.

  67. Dion Widhitama X MIA 2

    I was inspired when he was Made a plane for Indonesia and he inspired the people :)

  68. My favorite part of Bj. Habibie's life is when he met Ainun for the first time. I really love his love story (Azzahra Hidayanti X IPA 2)

  69. I was inspired by B. Habibie because her love story with Ainun mother really made me learn the meaning of loyalty ( Najwa rifda Vika X MIPA 2)

  70. I was very inspired by Mr. Habibie by making a very simple airplane. by learning to make airplanes in Germany, with several failures. still he remained enthusiastic and struggled to make the flying plane with perseverance

    Tiara Pravita
    X MIA 2

  71. Habibie really inspired me because he was very smart, intelligent, and worked hard so he could study in Germany
    ( Ratna Tri astuti x MIPA 2)

  72. Nadila Febrianti
    X MIA 1

    When Habibie Made a plane and when he got beasiswa to Germany, he also very smart and intelligent person for Indonesia.

  73. Wahyu Aryaputra
    X ipa 1

    His commitment and determination to be the best and to surpass the Germans in terms of knowledge successfully made his abilities acknowledged by the world.

  74. When habibie made the plane for Indonesia

    -Syahdan Nugroho X IPA 1-


  75. B.J Habibie he was one of the people who motivated me to study harder to achieve what I dreamed of.(Ismi Marhamah X MIPA 1)

  76. because he is smart and has many awards, and he has a strong determination to be a successful and useful person.
    -Naurah S, X MIPA 1-

  77. his life is very inspiring because of his very tenacious nature at work, it makes him a successful person [Imel Ahmarita - X IPA 1]

  78. i was inspired and interested with bj habibie life, when he made the first plane from indonesian ( Frizt Reynara X MIPA 1 )

  79. I was inspired with BJ Habibie because he was willing to devote his whole life to the sake of his country, even though his existence was more valued in Germany.
    (Dythia asma nadia x ipa 1)

  80. BJ Habibie is smart and I was inspired because he has a strong principle that he can be successful and his name will be remembered forever as Minister of Research and Technology. (Lutfi kharisma X Ipa 3)

  81. I was very inspired of B.J Habibie because he worked so hard in his life. Even he studied in Germany.
    [Faiza Aura Elvano, X MIA 1]

  82. I was inspired that BJ Habibie chose to devote his life for this country,even though his existence was very valuable for German.

  83. I was very inspired of B.J Habibie because he worked very hard and he made the first airplane from indonesia

  84. Habibie was my inspiration, when he got a college scholarship in Germany and made an idea to make a plane and with his love story with Ainun very Beautiful and Inspiring (fariza ulima yasmin x ips 3 )

  85. Habibie was my inspiration, his work and life was incredible

    Favian Fathur Rahman (12) X IPS 4

  86. Muhammad Zikri Djunaedi(27)
    X mipa 3
    Habibie was my inspiration,

  87. But habibie it's so inspiring for me

    rahma fadillah (33) x Mipa 1


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