Rubrik Penilaian

Rubrik Penilaian

Nilai Pengetahuan

1.      Penilaian Harian (PH)
2.      Penilaian Tengah Semester (PTS)
3.      Penilaian Akhir Semester (PAS)

Penilaian Keterampilan

1.      Jurnal Harian (recalling):
a.       News + gambar yang baik
b.      Latihan
c.       Synopsis Short Movie + gambar
d.      Vocabulary: kata, meaning, antonym, synonim, sentence

2.      Presentasi
a.       Persiapan
b.      Waktu on time
c.       Opening: Lagu wajib
d.      News + pertanyaan untuk audience
e.       Materi
f.       Video
g.      Quiz
h.      Latihan
i.        Short Movie
j.        Closing: Lagu Daerah

3.      Blog
a.       Pembagian Kelompok
b.      Recalling Presentasi: link video, lyric lagu, link quiz

Penilaian Sosial

a.       Percaya diri
b.      Mandiri
c.       Kerjasama
d.      Aktif
e.       Tepat waktu


  1. when i went to watch a movie on transmart i met his main role which was jefri Nichol, at that time i was walking and then prayed with him, then i asked for a photo. I am very happy

    (Fariza x ips 3)

  2. He is very inspiring, because he has the high spirit and soul of the country Indonesia, and is very brave

  3. Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie is the third President of Indonesia. He was born on June 25, 1936 in Pare-Pare, South Sulawesi. He is the fourth of eight children in his family. His parents are Alwi Abdul Jalil Habibie and RA. Tuti Marini Puspowardojo

  4. he is very inspiring, he has a good spirit and soul of the country indonesia , he is also brave


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